Natural Horoscope October 2020

Natural Horoscope October 2020

The horoscope of October 2020 according to the astrological calendar, from 23 September to 22 October: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!

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The natural horoscope for October 2020  is online with forecasts on the trend of the month, tips on how to manage the period in the best possible way, tips on body and movement, spiritual tips and advice on reading and music.

General overview of the horoscope for October

October is an important month, because it will be the watershed between the old and the new of our life . We are getting closer and closer to December, the month in which Jupiter and Saturn will leave the sign of Capricorn to pass into Aquarius. Change is in the air and it is perceived with great intensity.

Before being able to move forward, to take the big leap, it is necessary to focus attention on our inner world and everything related to our relationship with the physical, material and concrete aspects of reality. Uranus in Taurus and the planets in Capricorn (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto) are asking us to re-define our relationship with the physical world, with the supporting structures of our life, with what makes us feel safe. Our relationship with work and money, daily reality, our body, our energy, the way we take care of ourselves and the people who are part of our life, but also everything we can see, touching, tasting is linked to the energy of the earth.

These are the issues on which we must do a real awareness work. To create a better world, we must first of all create material conditions that are satisfactory (even for ourselves) and that allow us to make a physical, tangible contribution to the world. Are our values ​​and our identity helping to create a world that makes us feel safer and that at the same time is more ethical and fairer? This is a question that all of us will have to answer. 

October 2020 horoscope for Aries

It has been a few months since Aries has felt the need to regain altitude, to show what it is worth, to leave a mark on the world. Those who are looking for recognition (Saturn) from the workplace or from society, or (for those who are still very young), from their family should not be discouraged if …

Read all the tips of October for ARIES >>

October 2020 horoscope for Taurus

With Venus in favor, love is once again the protagonist. October is a good month to start living together, to get married, to love Some tensions, some internal blocks, some resistances are dissolved. But there is also the desire to dissect some problems, to get rid of some …

Read all the tips for October for the TORO >>

October 2020 horoscope for Gemini

October, month of professional and personal verifications. After an intense and in some ways complex year, you will feel the desire for well-being and taking care of yourself increase. A call that is impossible to resist, considering that it comes from Mercury, your planet Master, which …

Read all the tips for October for GEMINI >>

October 2020 horoscope for Cancer

How tired this Mars in Aries is! It is from the end of June that a super eventful, urgent, fast period has begun for Cancer. Made up of commitments, responsibilities, important choices. If in addition we put the opposition of the planets in Capricorn, it is obvious that the cats to peel in this 2020 …

Read all the tips for October for CANCER >>

Leo October 2020 horoscope

October is a month that sees you full of grit and spirit of initiative, but also a little more controversial and nervous. The square of Mercury, which will accompany you until the end of November, will not always have a positive effect on your mental processes and your way of communicating. The planet could…

Read all the tips for October for the LION >>

October 2020 horoscope for Virgo

What a beautiful month October! Venus in your sign is the host for the whole month, moreover in good friendship with both Uranus and with the couple Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto in Capricorn. Your affection therefore travels 360 degrees and is aimed at your partner, children, friends, relatives. Not to mention…

Read all the tips for October for the VIRGIN >>

Libra october 2020 horoscope

Some highs and lows are still expected in this early autumn sky, due to the opposition of Mars, a planet that for some time now has been creating some difficulties in your closest relationships. Some relationships have become more competitive, conflicting or simply a…

Read all October tips for LIBRA >>

October 2020 horoscope for Scorpio

Fabulous October, with a lot of stars in your favor, starting with Mercury which will remain in your sign until November 30th. A significant transit, which will favor you both in the emotional and working fields, offering you many more possibilities of movement than in previous months. Travel, expansion of…

Read all the tips for October for SCORPIO >>

October 2020 horoscope for Sagittarius

With Mars in trine to the Sun, energy is certainly not lacking in this period, active, proactive, energetic you are in a decidedly positive phase of your life, especially since in December even Jupiter and Saturn will become your allies. How many changes await you! And all more than positive …

Read all the tips for October for the SAGITTARIUS >>

October 2020 horoscope for Capricorn

October is a sky with great potential, but it requires some caution on your part due to the quadrature of Mars. In this period you will have to pay more attention to the way you manage certain relationships or certain situations, because you could be more nervous, impatient, impulsive …

Read all the October tips for CAPRICORN >>

October 2020 horoscope for Aquarius

It starts a little subdued this November. There is a general thread of tension, especially in work, accompanied by the feeling of having all eyes on you and continually risking making some false step. The person responsible for this feeling of loss, and…

Read all the tips for October for the AQUARIUS >>

October 2020 horoscope for Pisces

October is a truly inspiring month! With Mercury supporting you, the profession is undergoing a surge: job offers, new clients, more income, travel, new acquaintances, are some of the gifts on the planet. The period is also excellent for planning or starting projects, even…

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