Natural horoscope June 2019
The horoscope of June 2019 according to the astrological calendar, from May 21 to June 20: the first horoscope in which astrological forecasts are intertwined with natural well-being. Find out more about your sign!

The June horoscope is online with forecasts on the trend of the month, herbal and dietary advice, tips on body and movement, spiritual tips and advice on reading and music. Â
Overview of the horoscope for June
June is a very intense month from an emotional point of view. With Mars and Mercury in Cancer, emotions and feelings will be at the fore .Â
The sign of Cancer is the sign that in astrology symbolizes, the home, the family, the mother, what nourishes us and makes us feel good on an emotional level.
This means that this month we will have to recontact our truest , most authentic feelings and needs to understand what we really need, and move away from those situations that in reality do not really “feed” us but only serve to fill gaps and, precisely therefore, they cannot make us feel truly satisfied.
Mars and Mercury in Cancer also indicate that our mind and body may not live well with excessive work rates or excessive stimuli.
The cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) are those that will be affected more than all the others by the transit of the two planets, and could face energy drops that can only be countered by satisfying the need for rest , increasing the hours of sleep. , devoting more time to sports and things that make you feel good.Â
June is certainly not the right month to be overburdened with too many commitments , because stress could give rise to small psychosomatic disorders. The real key to feeling good is to get back to trusting our intuition and our emotions.Â
It is intuition that can guide us in the right direction and tell us what is best for us. In this sense, it can certainly be said that it will be the “gut choices” this month that will be the winners and not those of the head.
If there are any desires, or needs that we have set aside out of necessity, or fear, or that have been trampled on, they will come out this month, and they may even do so through strong emotions, such as anger.
Mars, even if it is in a weak position, (it is debilitated in Cancer), must still find a way to express itself, and it can do it by externalizing all those emotions that have been held back and that instead need to be contacted and expressed. The conjunction that will take place on day 16 between Mars and Mercury in Cancer, however, indicates the risk of exceeding with the tones, and of expressing oneself in ways that are not always winning and functional.
The outbursts of anger , the tendency to be dominated by emotions will be accentuated by the opposition of the two planets to Pluto. This is a delicate transition, because anger, in this case, tends to take on disproportionate characteristics.Â
The anger contacted by Mars and Pluto is not in fact an anger linked only and exclusively to the here and now, but also to the there and then. In other words, a triggering event could reopen old wounds and memories of the past , and “activate” an atavistic anger, which becomes almost irrepressible and which obviously is disproportionate to the current situation.Â
It is therefore very important to maintain a certain detachment from what is happening (inside and outside of oneself), if you do not want to say or do things that you might regret.Â
June 2019 horoscope for Aries
The month of June opens with Mars in Cancer still giving you no respite. Mars continues its transit in quadrature, a difficult aspect, which requires a bit of prudence in the management of some intimate and professional relationships.
When Mars is in such a moody and fickle sign like Cancer it annoys you and makes your mood restless and your reactions quite unpredictable. There are many Aries who will have to deal with people or situations that destabilize and impatient.
Read all the June tips for ARIES >>
June 2019 horoscope for Taurus
Get ready and rejoice dear friends of Taurus. June is a month that we can define as excellent .Â
Enough with half measures: with 6 planets at your side, the time has come to ask for more from you and from life , to rediscover yourself stronger and more brilliant. And, if you prove yourself up to your celestial potential, the answers will not fail to arrive: both in love and in the professional economic field.
It all lies in taking the reins of your life and making targeted and courageous choices.Â
Read all the tips for June for the BULL >>
June 2019 horoscope for Gemini
Full stability will not be a free gift from heaven, you will have to conquer it. It is in fact a complex month June, and it is likely that you will be subject to conflicting moods and sudden changes of ideas , but it is from this month (and at least until the summer) that you will have to work to understand what are the right steps to take. and in which direction to move.Â
Unfortunately, the squaring of Jupiter and Neptune, planets that are in a difficult aspect to your sign, added to the transit of Mercury and Mars in Cancer, will not favor your mental and intellectual tone .Â
Read all the June tips for GEMINI >>
June 2019 horoscope for Cancer
It has been some time now that those born of Cancer have been facing a series of important changes, which not only concern the modification of some external situations , but also and above all the internal one, or your way of facing life. and your powerful and intricate emotional world.Â
And speaking of emotions, it is certainly the theme of emotions that is on the scene this month, as Mars and Mercury pass through your sign. June therefore promises to be a very busy month , especially on an emotional level. Â
Read all the June tips for CANCER >>
June 2019 horoscope for Leo
Month without infamy and without praise, due to a series of planetary positions that do not directly involve you but which at the same time could give you the feeling, on an energetic level, of being a little out of phase and perhaps a little too thoughtful and melancholy for your tastes.Â
It is as if Leo, after months of struggles, challenges, important changes, in June felt the need to slow down, to take short breaks between one commitment and another, to take a breather before leaving (a July) with determination and confidence towards life.Â
Read all the tips for June for the LION >>
June 2019 horoscope for Virgo
June is a very intense month from an emotional point of view. Although you are a very rational, controlled, patient sign, this month you may find yourself a little less willing to compromise , to good manners, or to overlook what bothers you or what you don’t think is right for you.Â
The planets in Cancer in fact make you more sensitive, more attentive to your emotional world, but they do not do it in an abrupt or stressful way (Cancer is a sign of your friend), but by making you more attentive to what is emotionally happening inside you. . Â
Read all the tips for June for the VIRGIN >>
June 2019 horoscope for Libra
It starts a little subdued this month June. Work commitments, some emotional or family opposition, associated with a not exactly brilliant physical shape, make June a bit tiring month .Â
The planets responsible for these ups and downs are Mars and Mercury in Cancer, which for the whole month will be in a difficult aspect to your Sun, making you a little more susceptible and vulnerable to stress : therefore, try to carve out moments of well-being and rest, and not to overload yourself with too many commitments.Â
Read all the June tips for LIBRA >>
June 2019 horoscope for Scorpio
The new year has seen many of you grappling with the opposition of Uranus, a planet that is testing your ability to cope with changes, forcing you to control moments of great tension and restlessness .Â
It is a transit that currently only affects those born in October, who are experiencing anxieties and fears about the loss of some fixed points. While it is true that not everything went according to plan, or on schedule, it is also true that many situations will soon have a positive outcome , so you absolutely must not lose faith!
Read all the 2019 tips for SCORPIO >>
June 2019 horoscope for Sagittarius
A month of ups and downs that of June, in which you will not always be able to give the best of yourself. The transit of Mercury and Mars in Cancer indicates an unclear and poorly defined energy, which could make you feel at the mercy of slightly fluctuating moods.Â
Some economic or financial concerns are not excluded , which could make you a little insecure and nervous. For many Sagittarius the theme of economic resources and their management is highlighted by the transit of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and requires a lot of attention from you.Â
Read all the tips for June for the SAGITTARIUS >>
June 2019 horoscope for Capricorn
It is a period of great evolution that you of Capricorn are experiencing, personal and professional. Thanks to the support of important planets such as Uranus, Saturn and Pluto you are achieving great things.Â
It is true that Saturn gives nothing and that during its passages you have to work hard, but it is also true that when you commit yourself seriously, the results sooner or later arrive. And you know it. After all, Saturn is your guide planet, and that is why you are not so afraid: commitment and a sense of responsibility are qualities that belong to you , that are part of your DNA.Â
Read all the tips for June for CAPRICORN >>Â
June 2019 horoscope for Aquarius
June is a month that will certainly not go unnoticed because many situations may not go as planned or turn out to be a little different from how you have imagined them.Â
Jupiter, the planet that has supported you since November 2018, and which has brought a series of positive and exciting news on your path, this month is again in quadrature with Neptune, an aspect that suggests not to get carried away by an excess of optimism or trust in new people and situations.Â
Read all the June tips for AQUARIUM >>
June horoscope for Pisces
Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces are the planets that more than all the others are exerting an important influence on your sign in this 2019, especially if you belong to the second decade.Â
In fact, the two planets, in addition to being your planetary Masters, are found in their primary domiciles, (i.e. they are found in the signs that best represent the function of the two planets), which is rather rare and singular, and for this very reason of great importance. .Â
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