The world of Pro Controllers is constantly expanding, given that in recent years gaming with traditional peripherals has started to no longer satisfy a large slice of the community. There are many players ready to spend greater amounts than those proposed by the software houses for the basic models of controllers, whether we are talking about Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo. Among the best known and most renowned brands, the French company Nacon undoubtedly stands out , which in recent years has patented a line of controllers of considerable quality. This offers the user many features and customizations for anyone who approaches it, in order to improve their experience pad in hand on PC and PlayStation 4. We want to deepen today theNacon Revolution Pro 3 , which you can purchase, in case you are interested, through the following link . It is a direct evolution of the Nacon Revolution Pro 2 , which, however, is positioned in a slightly lower price range than the Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro , inevitably colliding with the best offer of the latter model .
Design and details
The aesthetic impact of the Nacon Revolution Pro 3 is much more appreciable than that of the more classic DualShock 4, a reference controller to which, however, the product makes many changes. First of all, let’s talk about the asymmetrical levers , which in the latter version also have a concave surface . The touchpad is proposed with a much higher surface, and the excellent directional cross recalls the tactile sensation of the Elitè Xbox Controller . The quality of the materials is slightly improved compared to what was seen with the previous model, however it deviates negatively from the Nacon Revolution Unlimited Pro.
The lats have a not particularly pleasant feedback , which is accompanied by somewhat “toy” noises, but which nevertheless offer a more than suitable responsiveness to the actual. There are also four buttons located on the lower part of the grips, easily programmable with buttons positioned on the back and used to replace the canonical buttons. Although this is undoubtedly a pleasant novelty, the new buttons are placed in an uncomfortable way, since the handle of the peripheral risks leading to their involuntary pressure., and consequently to the sending of unnecessary or unwelcome inputs. However, these are conditions to which you get used to easily, which will be able to gradually become bitter in the hours of use (which it is assumed will not be few the controller is designed for the competitive and eSports field).
Features and details of the Nacon Revolution Pro 3
Although it already offers several innovations on the external front, the Nacon Revolution Pro 3 has several other features that are far from negligible. In fact, the package contains three weights that can be inserted on the lower part of the handles to make the product slightly heavier (in case the players feel the need). The real revolution of the peripheral, which clearly distances it from the classic model of the DualShock 4, lies mainly in the presence of a fairly complete but definitely difficult to master software , which allows you to access many perfect functions to compete and play optimally.
The features of the Nacon Revolution Pro 3 are undoubtedly excellent, but they clear away the idea of ​​Plug & Play
The program clearly differentiates the use on PC – where the Nacon Revolution Pro 3 is fully compatible – from the PS4 version, allowing you to change profiles through a dedicated button. In both cases, the French company has decided to offer the possibility of a more classic experience, such as taking advantage of the addition of many new features to make the hours of play more suitable for the user, who through the aforementioned software is able to modify many functions. For example, we are talking about the creation of a dead zone and the possibility of modifying the sensitivity of the levers , which therefore make them distinctly different to use, such as the customizable vibration motor .
These are certainly positive aspects, which however see as against the presence of a USB-C cable necessary for use, given the absence of bluetooth. This is certainly an appropriate idea to make the product less expensive and to restrict the user field to the world of eSports, but at the same time we are talking about an inconvenience that is not easily digestible for some gaming stations. Furthermore, all this leads to a lack of the idea of ​​Plug & Play , since to obtain the desired experience it is necessary to spend a fair amount of time interfacing with the software.
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