Muscle contractures: how to dissolve them?

Muscle contractures: how to dissolve them?

What are the symptoms of muscle contractures and the triggered causes and which treatments are useful to dissolve them, with some practical advice

Muscle contractures: how to dissolve them?

Muscle contractures are injuries of the muscle. Among the injuries affecting the muscles are those of a milder nature, which can be remedied and reversed .

Muscle contractures manifest themselves with involuntary contractions of the muscles, when they are stressed beyond their own tension capacity.

Let’s see specifically the symptoms and natural remedies.

Symptoms of muscle contractures

The manifestation of a muscle contracture is painful, characterized by a hardening of the affected muscle. It is distinguished from cramps in that the latter are sudden and very painful, and last for a few minutes, while contractures, being lesions, continue their painful manifestation for a few days and are distinguished by persistent but milder pain than cramps .

In some cases, muscle contracture leads to limiting the mobility of the involved and connected muscles.

The duration of the painful manifestation of a muscle contracture can vary from 3 days to 10 days .

Causes of muscle contractures

Muscle contractures are frequently found during sports activities that are not adequately calibrated for the capacity of the muscle being worked on.

The causes are due to a lack of athletic preparation , abrupt and sudden movements and a lack of warm-up .

Muscle contractures can also be found in situations of slight physical and muscular stress: it all depends on the motor state of those who practice the activity.

Stretching after training

Treatments for muscle contractures

Rest is the main natural cure for muscle contractures: the muscle needs to rest and independently remedy the mild injury to which it has been subjected.

Since muscle injuries are accompanied by hardening of the muscle, the next and main natural remedy is to stretch the muscle and release unnecessary hardening and tension.

For this purpose, slight kneading and stretching manipulations can be performed on the affected muscle and the neighboring muscles involved, even indirectly.

Stretching can help but must be performed with light movements and without worsening the painful state.

Shiatsu allows to intervene on the muscles without manipulating the interested part: it is therefore ideal in case of contractures because, by pressing distal points, it is possible to have immediate responses. The same result is obtained through kinesiology treatments , by intervening on the neurovascular and neuroreflex points.

Other support remedies, which however cannot in any way be separated from adequate rest , involve the application of hot compresses on the area , such as those made with clay , which is a strong anti-inflammatory, or corn flour .

Even simply massaging the affected area with essential oils can help relax the muscle fibers and facilitate the self-healing process.


For muscle aches, try ginger wraps

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