Migraine: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Migraine: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Migraine is a type of headache that can be caused by stress and is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea and dizziness. Let’s find out better.

>   Types and symptoms of migraine

>   Causes 

>   Diagnosis

>   Natural cures for migraines



Types and symptoms of migraine

Migraine  is a particular type of headache that often affects only one half of the head , and is by far the form of headache for which patients consult the doctor: over 7 million people suffer from it in Italy alone. 

It is usually divided into two main types:

  • Migraine without aura .  The throbbing pain, frequently limited to one side of the head and increased by even modest physical exertion.
  • Migraine with aura . It differs from the previous one mainly because the pain is preceded by various characteristic disturbances, collectively called “aura”: the patient feels luminous figures, other times discomfort such as tingling in an arm appear. Then, within 60 minutes, the painful attack appears.  

Causes of migraine

The culprits are stress , “after-stress”, anxiety, depression and environmental situations (for example, noise pollution, excessive exposure to artificial city lights).

Even food , and not only if ingested in excessive quantities, can facilitate a migraine attack (in the foreground: chocolate , egg yolk, milk and its derivatives, fermented cheeses, vinegar, wine, fatty foods, sausages and stock cubes , citrus fruits, bananas and tomatoes).


To make a correct diagnosis of migraine , we start with an analysis of the symptoms reported directly by the patient. In particular, we will try to understand the intensity, duration and frequency of pains and whether or not they prevent normal daily activities from taking place.

In some cases, the doctor may request the compilation of the so-called headache diary : a real register where you can record the trends of migraine attacks for a variable time. 

Symptom analysis is always accompanied by a physical examination to identify the causes of migraine. This involves checks on blood pressure, heart rate, cervical muscles, jaw joints and vision. S.

only in some cases to resort to CT , magnetic resonance and electroencephalogram, again to rule out other pathologies .


Nutrition in case of migraine

Increase your consumption of foods rich in  selenium , zinc and copper  such as liver, shellfish, avocado, dried grapes, mushrooms, whole grains, tuna, salmon, anchovies, egg yolk. Make sure that the meal is always enriched with a side dish of  vegetables :  broccoli , green leafy vegetables, cabbage, celery.

Supplement your diet with foods high in  vitamin B6 , beta-carotene and vitamin E , such as chicken, turkey, beans, bananas, fresh cheeses. 

Ginger is great for stemming the nausea or dizziness that can accompany migraines.

You can learn more about migraine foods

Bran among migraine foods

Herbal medicine for migraines

To relieve pain, take devil’s claw ( Harpagophytum procumbens ), in the form of TM, in a dose of 30 drops twice a day , or 50 drops in a single dose, as needed. 

If the migraine crises are caused by hormonal fluctuations preceding the onset of menstrual flow, the administration of the fluid extract of  Tanacetum parthenium  (improves circulation in the brain) in a dose of 20 drops twice a day, away from the meals, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, approximately 2 hours after the evening meal. 

If migraine is a symptom of allergy, it is necessary to resort to Ribes Nigrum .

Bach flowers  

When migraines are linked to emotional or psychological factors, Bach flowers are useful: 

  • Oak, Vervain  and Hornbeam ,  Crab Apple  (especially for menstrual cycle headaches),  
  • Elm  and  Red Chestnut  (stress and tension headache), 
  • Impatiens  (headache accompanied by a general sense of irritation), 
  • Star of Bethlehem  (after trauma or fear). 

Traditional Chinese Medicine  

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine this disorder is caused by an instability of the Circulatory System or and in particular due to an excess of Yang in the liver, a deficiency in the Yin of the kidney and a stasis of Xue.

Essential oils  

Aromatherapy works on the intensity of the painful symptoms rather than on the causes of the problem. Essential oils can be taken by inhalation, through massage or orally.

The aromatherapist will recommend:

  • anise essential oil (in case of headache from overeating) , 
  • orange essential oil  (stress headache),
  • basil essential oil  (for all forms of headache) ,
  • cypress essential oil  (disorders related to menopause), 
  • lemongrass essential oil  (headache accompanied by sinusitis), 
  • eucalyptus essential oil  (cold and flu ), 
  • jasmine essential oil  (headache related to female hormonal activity). 

Homeopathy in case of headache 

For the treatment of the most common form of vasomotor headache  in homeopathy, a distinction is made between the treatment of acute crisis and that of relapsing headache. One of the most tested schemes for the treatment of acute painful crises involves the administration of  Apis mellifica  alternating with  Secale cornutum every half hour ,  thinning according to the improvement. 

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