Mayr diet for weight loss: the diet of actress Rebel Wilson
The Mayr protocol to purify the intestine and lose weight comes from the studies of the Austrian researcher and physicist dr. Franz X. Mayr (1875-1965) and is a well-known detox cure in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Northern Europe, often the prerogative of spas and specialized centers.
Recently, this diet has hit the headlines thanks to the success achieved by the comic actress Rebel Wilson , who on the Mayr diet lost a total of 30 kilos in less than two years, as I had anticipated here.
Wilson never made any secret of following the Mayr diet, going to Austria for checkups once a year and then following the protocol in the United States. She now she looks like another person.
The Mayr diet was created by Dr. Franz X. Mayr to treat intestinal dysbiosis, which according to him was the cause of many ailments and diseases. In particular, it was recommended to do this protocol once a year, and then follow the maintenance advice to have a healthy intestine.
According to the Mayr cure, an efficient digestive system is the way to stay healthy and in perfect physical shape for life.
Swollen stomach, persistent constipation, hypotonic colon, colic, ulcers, meteorism, reflux and stomach acid are disorders that according to Mayr can be treated with this diet, and which then lead to disorders and diseases that involve the whole body.
The Mayr diet to purify the intestine and lose weight is based on 3 key principles: respite, purification and training.
In the most drastic version, the Mayr diet includes an initial phase of fasting (with tea, herbal teas and light broth, showers and massages, rest), so those who want to follow the complete Mayr treatment should always contact a specialist.
However, in the book on the Mayr diet written by Dr. Rauch, his student, there are indications for doing a protocol even at home, although the doctor’s opinion is in any case necessary to decide how many days to dedicate to each phase.
In this article I will therefore only talk about these indications which, remember, cannot be followed independently by the doctor’s opinion.
The Mayr diet to cleanse the intestines and lose weight
Phase of fasting without fasting, or phase of milk fasting

It can be done for 1-3 days in agreement with the doctor or it can be skipped altogether.
Longer periods (from one week to three) can only be decided by the doctor.
At this stage, you learn to chew and swallow food properly.
There is no standard quantity for the foods included. You eat as much as you want to eat without filling your belly too much. It is very important to follow the rules of swallowing and chewing. Alternatives are those in parentheses.
Before breakfast.
A glass with 250 ml of water, one level teaspoon (or half a teaspoon) of English salt (Epsom salt) and one of BasenPulver. A few drops of lemon juice can be used to make the drink palatable (English salt is very bitter). It is necessary to wait 35-40 minutes before eating. In this period of time you can do some mild physical exercise (stretching, yoga, walking).
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