Magic words for animals
Formulas and spells for animals: we enter the “magical” world of the author Cristiano Tenca

In recent decades , the sensitivity towards our animal friends has certainly refined : vegetarianism is increasingly widespread, laws are implemented to protect them and campaigns for their protection are instituted.
On a more intimate level, they are part of domestic life, often real family members, who accompany us and are close to us for a part of our existence. A relationship that is difficult to define, but special, is established with our furry roommates (and not), a close bond and often characterized by very deep affection.
Therefore, we could not fail to intrigue the book by Cristiano Tenca , naturopath, entitled “ Magic words for animals. Formulas and charms for their well -being ”published by Edizioni Punto di incontro. The text consists, for the most part, of magic formulas that would have the function of improving the life of our four-legged friends or facilitating the relationship with human beings.
Have we intrigued you? Well, let’s leave the word to the author!
Dear Christian, we want to ask you a few questions first of all to get to know you better, to get an idea of the philosophy behind your book “Magic words for animals”. What is the point of talking about magic today, in the modern era?
The definition of Magic reads as follows: ” The set of ritual practices or mental attitudes tending to dominate the occult forces of nature to exploit their power for beneficial or evil purposes “.
Starting from this assumption there is no ancient age and no modern age, there is man who, as quantum physics has shown, interacts with the energy that composes the external reality to modify it in order to obtain the maximum without damaging anyone. .
How were your magic words born and what intellectual or personal experiences introduced you to the universe of magic words? Did historical or philosophical references guide you?
No, no historical or philosophical references have guided me, but I have been teaching radiesthesia techniques with L-wands for a couple of dozen years and having tried to implement in practice the codifications of the Heisemberg uncertainty principle during my courses after a theoretical part dealing with positive and negative energy referred to man and after having taught the use of these wands in practice, I showed how the energies around us are created, modified or eliminated .
From there I wondered what I could do to obtain similar effects for the benefit of people who would never have followed my course and so I thought of recreating the frequencies of what I showed in these seminars with the frequency of words.
Hence the search for formulas that would create an energy similar to that of the single intent under consideration. I started from the Latin which I modified at will in the accents, in the ways, in the times, in the complements, in the declensions, etc. and the magic words were born.
I used a language other than Italian to deceive the psychic censor who is the one who at each repetition would put those doubts that would invalidate the result.
In his book he claims that his formulas derive from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (page 22). However, a question arises in her eyes: the laws of quantum physics to which she refers are applicable in subatomic systems while in macroscopic ones the laws of classical physics apply. So how is it possible that the formulas can then have effects on the macroscopic world if they refer to a principle valid only in the subatomic world? We do not want to be specious, but since it defines the basis of the formulas, there is an important point to be clarified.
The first revolutionary thing that subatomic physics established is that the smallest particle of matter, the atom, is actually made up of quanta of energy. From this it is easy to deduce that the so-called macroscopic systems in reality are only apparently so because they are composed of matter in turn composed of elementary energy particles .
If we act at an energetic level on any component of the macroscopic world, its situation is modified, precisely, at the energetic level, which in turn will consequently modify the matter connected to it.
In the book he states that the mind is able to “ influence these same energies and therefore how it can create them, cancel them, modify them, distinguish the positive ones for man, from the negative ones and so on ”. But according to what physical principle (since the aforementioned principle does not speak of the mind)?
In my statements I refer to the codification of the principle mentioned above. Indeed, certainly the statement of the uncertainty principle does not name the mind, but Heisemberg himself noted, in the development of his theories, that the very act of observation alters the behavior of the observed objects and if this does not mean that the mind interferes and interacts with the surrounding energy, so I don’t know what that means.
According to this Principle it is not possible to know all the properties of an object at the same time and the physical universe is the result of a set of probabilities that manifest themselves in our observations. The resulting knowledge is probabilistic .
Among the main implications in everyday experience is the impossibility of having an objective awareness of a phenomenon if the observer cannot establish how he himself interferes with the observed object. This therefore shows that the mind has a decisive influence on the surrounding reality .
We read your book with no little wonder. It is a great responsibility to write a text of magic formulas; therefore, together with the numerous testimonies, there will be a good dose of skeptics and detractors, even goliardic ones. What do you answer them?
I don’t think I have taken any great responsibility, because I have enunciated my thought and my conviction, based on practical and other empirical experiments ; those who want to try, using the formulas (which are now over 2000) and make up their own ideas, those who do not accept them, can safely throw the book a priori. Before this book, however, “The Book of Magic Words”, “Magic Words 2”, “Magic Words 3” were published and, a few days ago, this text was followed by “Magic Words 4”.
It doesn’t surprise me then that there are detractors. In the meantime, to answer I can refer to someone immensely higher than me, Schopenhauer: ” The truth always goes through three phases: in the first it is ridiculed; in the second it is violently opposed; finally, it is accepted as obvious “.
What I tell these people is that beliefs are a personal choice and as such it is right that everyone has their own; before denying the validity of a theory, however, it should be seriously put into practice. When it is clearly seen that it is not reliable then one can, with good reason, deny it and even mock it. Making fun of her a priori is not correct behavior, nor certainly scientific, but at the limit of the goliardic one as you define it.
As for the testimonies of those who attest to the effectiveness of the formulas , hundreds of them have been published in my books so far (usually with name and surname) and I already have another fifty selected for the next Parole Magiche 5 Of course they are not all here, I have published and will publish only the most interesting or significant or original ones.
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