Losing weight without counting calories: 7 success stories

Losing weight without counting calories: 7 success stories

Lose weight without counting calories.
A dream for many, especially for those who can’t get out of the logic of counting calories (and macros, i.e. carbohydrates, fats and proteins) every day to lose weight. In fact, if counting calories is a great way in general to understand how much we are eating and being able to customize the diet by reducing calorie intake by yourself, it is also true that this solution is not only not the only one to lose weight, but for many it also turns out to be counterproductive.

Stress and a tendency to underestimate the quality and nutritional values ​​of food (beyond the caloric discourse) are the two controversial effects of a diet in which one tends only to look at the calories to lose weight.

So, I translate and summarize an article that appeared on Women’s Health Mag , in which 7 women tell how they managed to lose weight without counting calories. There are 7 useful tips for imitating them.


  1. The rule of the ideal dish.

    A winning idea for Alexis Tizano, who would have lost about 35 kilos in about 6 months , despite physical activity that increased her muscle mass. The idea is simple: in the dish, a quarter goes to carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, corn, potatoes, cereals), a quarter to proteins (meat, fish, tofu, eggs, cold cuts and low-fat dairy products) and half of the dish it should be filled with vegetables, such as vegetables and leafy greens. For breakfast instead of vegetables you can opt for low-sugar fruit.
    To find out more, read the diet of the ideal dish.

  2. Cleaning the pantry.

    Eliminate all industrial and prepared foods, and in their place, grains, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products as well as healthy ingredients plus fruits and vegetables to create your own recipes. By cleaning up the pantry and learning to cook with only wholesome ingredients, Justine McCabe would lose 55 pounds in a year , doing an hour of the elliptical three times a week to match her new healthy lifestyle.

  3. Get rid of the habit of eating at night.

    She would have reduced her hunger for sweets and savory snacks that came from afternoon to night, instead allowing herself a richer breakfast based on lean proteins (yogurt, egg whites) and lots of fruit, and then going on for the rest of the day with legumes, a little ‘of nuts, fruits, vegetables and doing 3 HIIT sessions according to Kayla Itsines’ BBG program. Maggie Ferro would have lost 15 kilos in a year and a half .

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