Losing weight, diet helps, exercise doesn’t?

Losing weight, diet helps, exercise doesn’t?

exercisesTwo studies in this period seem to have been made on purpose to create one of those misunderstandings that are among the main responsible for the danger of disinformation when it comes to health: in one of these  it is attested to how to lose weight quickly a very low calorie diet (lower to a thousand calories) is generally the fastest and most effective solution, but to maintain the weight lost, physical activity is less important than other solutions such as a high-protein diet (high-protein diet), drugs for controlling appetite and meal replacements.
Put simply: in the short term, the less you eat the more you lose weight, especially if you are starving on an 800 calorie diet. Of course, by doing this you lose weight quickly, but you also lose a lot of muscle, and less fat. And if you then do physical activity to keep fit, returning to a healthy diet, strangely you regain the weight lost. But are you going? However, if instead of doing physical activity and a healthy diet, after eating 800 calories a day, you ate only proteins and a few vegetables, or took drugs or drinks, you could continue to lose weight, obviously to the detriment of your health and despite the metabolism slowed by the crash diet.

Instead, who commented on the study , thought it well to write that physical activity is not used to lose weight, so what do we do?
So let’s try to do some clarity.
1) If we want to lose weight in a very short time, it is useless to think of succeeding by going to the gym. The gym is for those who, by increasing muscle mass, progressively reduce fat, and raise the metabolism. It is certainly not a trick to lose weight, nor obviously can it give the same effects as a crash diet.
2) Losing weight in the short term (maximum within a month) means losing fluids and muscle first if we do it with diet alone. Clear: if we undergo liposuction it is different.
3) Other studies, here and here , have established that to maintain your healthy weight and lose weight gradually but continuously, a combination of diet and exercise is the best option for losing weight and having a high metabolism.
4) Many people who do not lose weight (= that is, do not lose fat mass) by exercising generally overestimate the energy expenditure obtained from physical activity, eating too much to compensate. Clearly, instead, a compromise must be found between moderation at the table and the right physical activity to lose weight.

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