Losing weight at night: here’s how

Losing weight at night: here’s how

Night and morning are the crucial moments in weight loss. And today I will explain to you why it is very important to pay attention to these two moments if you want to lose weight successfully. Important hormonal changes occur at night: insulin is lowered, therefore while we sleep, the body, having no sugar available, uses fats for energy purposes. At the same time, the body is rebuilding and repairing at night, which is why good sleep is very important.

In the morning, cortisol rises from dawn, which initially works to wake us up. After that, everything in our body is set in motion at its best to guarantee those detoxification processes that allow us to free ourselves from excess toxins. This is why it is important:

  • reduce cortisol in the morning after the peak of sunrise, so that it does not result in excess stress.
  • promote the purification of the kidneys and liver, for example by drinking more, eating fruit in the morning, drinking and taking natural supplements such as decoctions to promote the drainage of fluids and excretory organs.
    Other methods to promote cleansing and morning weight loss can be found here. 

A wrong dinner, skipping sleep hours, skipping a meal in the morning, or drinking more water from the afternoon on, are all missteps on our weight loss journey.

Taking herbal teas and decoctions at the wrong times of the day, for example green tea after lunch, or herbal teas after five in the afternoon, is equivalent to hitting a blank.

Even if you work out late at night, the effects of this workout will be unfavorable for weight loss.

In this article we see for example how to lose weight at night.
Exactly what to do between dinner meal and natural routine to promote nocturnal weight loss. At that point, two or three tips for the morning and voila, you will have effortlessly boosted your weight loss, but in line with your health.


What to eat for dinner

  • At dinner, I strongly advise against all foods that are too draining and that are difficult to digest.
    No salad, for example, low carbohydrates (a fruit or a small portion of bread or potatoes) and more attention to good fats and moderate protein intake.
    White meat and fish or shellfish should be cooked lightly, and then add a nice drizzle of raw oil. Low-fibrous vegetables such as courgettes, squash, mushrooms, cooked fennel, endive, baby spinach, should be combined with proteins. Resistant starch-based foods such as shirataki, green plantain, or potatoes that have been cooked and cooled before consuming reduce protein wastes.
  • Dinner should be light in calories.
  • After dinner, a chamomile or herbal tea for the night (half a glass, not the mugs) plus a handful of almonds or a piece of parmesan or a small portion of whole yogurt make it easier for us to sleep.
  • Avoid soups, draining herbal teas, fried foods, pizza, overly elaborate dishes and overcooked dishes.
  • No to the total absence of carbohydrates: small portion, but always present.
  • Cucurbits, therefore melon, watermelon, cucumbers, it is better not to reserve them for after dinner.

What to do after dinner to lose weight at night.

  • Better to relax, massage your legs with a birch oil, or massage your hands, or even take a short walk. Half an hour before going to bed, a bath with Epsom salts is recommended to purify the skin and promote the disposal of toxins: this bath also promotes sleep and muscle relaxation. If we can’t take a bath, a hot shower is fine, rubbing baking soda on the body as a light scrub, and massaging the body with an emollient oil after the shower.
  • The evening lights should be warm, not cold.
  • A magnesium supplement is recommended if you find it hard to fall asleep.
  • At least one hour before going to sleep, it is better to turn off your PC, mobile phone and television.
    The blue lights of these devices disturb the production of melatonin.
  • If you love to meditate, it is perfect to do it after dinner or before dinner.
  • Aside from walking, avoid activities such as running, treadmills, weight training after half past seven to eight in the evening. Better than yoga, if we have some free time in the evening and before dinner.

    Sleep is your ally in weight loss: therefore a restful and continuous sleep is ideal. 

    If you have a tendency to wake up at night to pee, it may be an adrenal problem or drinking too much water in the afternoon.
    To soothe the adrenals, I recommend either half a glass of warm milk with a hint of honey or half a teaspoon of Manuka honey with a pinch of sea salt to dissolve under the tongue. If, on the other hand, you suspect it is drinking, avoid drinking more after five in the morning, because from late afternoon to evening the kidneys work more slowly than in the morning.

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