Lose weight in a week without a diet

Lose weight in a week without a diet

to lose weight without diet 7 rulesDo you want to lose weight in a week without a diet and without fatigue? So if you want I ask you to do an experiment, or try to do these seven things for seven days in a row of your choice and see for yourself if the balance has dropped . There are seven little tricks, some that I often recommend, and that do not change your diet, nor force you to a particular regimen. The only thing to do is to follow them to the letter, not to skip a single one. Obviously, during the day you don’t have to make any particular stretches, but just eat normally, following your appetite, without indulging in revelry (at least one of these rules will make it impossible for you to overeat). 

Lose weight in a week without a diet but with these 7 rules

NB: You have to follow them all, without substitutions or anything else.
1) Drink a glass of water twenty minutes before each main meal, ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. 2) In the morning, in addition to the first glass of water, you must drink a glass of warm water with a generous splash of lemon. 3) For breakfast you have to eat (in addition to the normal breakfast) an apple, or a pear or an orange + a low-fat yogurt without sugar and white: for those who have problems with lactose, soy yogurt or a glass of kefir. 4)

It is essential to start lunch and dinner with a green salad (a choice of lettuce, valerian, songino) of 100/200 grams, dressed with apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of oil. It is the first thing you need to eat.
5) For 7 days every day you will do a one hour walk. Even those who normally already do physical activity. For an hour you have to walk without stopping.
6) For 7 days you will use no sugar other than honey.
7) For 7 days, bread, pasta and rice will only be wholemeal and bought organic.

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