Liz Vaccariello’s tricks for losing weight

Liz Vaccariello’s tricks for losing weight

reader-digest-cuts-frequencyThe latest found by Liz Vaccariello , author of a very successful book, The Flat Belly Diet, is called Stop & Drop Diet , a method that would allow you to lose up to 2 kilos in first five days (five pounds in five days), then allowing you to continue to lose weight by eating the foods from the supermarket, which Liz analyzes and manages to propose in a healthier key. At a time when major diets require you to go back to the kitchens and avoid many industrial products to eat in a more natural and genuine way, the book by Liz Vaccariello, editor in chief of The Reader’s Digest, is definitely against the trend.

So can we lose weight by eating the products we usually buy?
Here are some tips from Liz for those who want to lose weight but have little time to devote to cooking:

1) Start lunch and dinner with a soup, even ready-made, or a salad. You will eat 20% fewer calories.
2) Every time you go to fast food, add 400 extra calories to your calorie count.
3) If you eat cereals in the morning, go for larger ones over small flakes. You will eat less.
4) When you eat out, ask the waiter to give you the separate dressing for salads, grills, vegetables, potatoes.
5) Walk to the office: a study has established that those who move before going to work have less desire for snacks.
6) Keep sweets, snacks, candies, and so on out of your reach. They don’t even have to be in the pantry.
7) If you don’t like the gym, and you don’t like running either, offer your friend a nice walk outside every day.
8) Do not eat only carbohydrates for breakfast, but at least one protein resource: a yogurt or a glass of milk is enough.
9) Avoid “salad dressings”: dress the salad only with oil, lemon juice or vinegar.
10) Frozen vegetables (without added seasonings) are a valid alternative for those who cannot buy fresh products.

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