Can vitamin supplements replace fruits and vegetables?

Can vitamin supplements replace fruits and vegetables?

Hi, my name is Dcomedieta and I want to tell you a (short) story.
Until ten years ago, so around the age of 27, I regularly suffered from cold sores. To combat it, in addition to the standard antibiotic therapy, I went to the pharmacy to take vitamin supplements and lactic ferments (also to limit the consequences of antibiotics). Herpes could come to me six or seven times a year, if I was unlucky even once a month, close to my period.
One day a pharmacist catches me: I ask her for both the antibiotic and the vitamin supplements.

She looks at me and says: “Sorry, do you get herpes often?”
“Yes”, I reply (distraught).
“Only lip?”
“Yes” (I lacked other forms that I then went to light a candle to the saint)
“No, I’ll take the multivitam…”
And it ended like the Alpitour commercial, with the pharmacist saying “Ouch, ouch, ouch” and me hearing the jingle of Mexican players.
End of the story. Is there a moral? Yes.
Vitamin supplements are not a substitute for fruit and vegetables. There are a lot of people who avoid fruit (oh my, fructose!) And replace it with the multivitamin. A lot, vitamins for vitamins. Instead NO. These people are wrong. 
And since my anecdotal counts as a two of spades, on page two I’ll explain why according to scientific research

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