Lipoaspirant diet, the menu for weight loss

Lipoaspirant diet, the menu for weight loss


The lipoaspirant diet is a diet that exploits the principles of nutrition in terms of health and metabolism. The goal is to lose body fat by acting on those biochemical mechanisms that lead to weight accumulation.

Born in early 2010 and made a comeback thanks to the growing interest in nutrigenomics, a science that studies the relationship between nutrition and genetics, the lipoaspirant diet acts like a natural liposuction .

By neutralizing those mechanisms that lead to the accumulation of body fat, the lipoaspirant diet, conceived by Professor Pier Luigi Rossi, therefore allows you to lose fat by reversing the genetic processes that cause weight accumulation.

But how does the lipoaspirant diet work? And above all, does it work?
We find out in this article.


The lipoaspirant diet is designed to make those subjects who start metabolically disadvantaged lose weight, by intervening on those genes responsible for the accumulation of body fat.

In fact, it provides a diet menu that aims to fill food shortages that favor weight accumulation, but also to reduce the fattening effect of bad food combinations. All without counting calories.

These problems, in people already predisposed to gain weight, do increasing damage as we get older precisely because of the influence of the obesity genes. With the result that those same people, in addition to being overweight, will face other metabolic problems, such as high blood sugar, high triglycerides, high cholesterol.
A phenomenon that doctors call lipotoxicity.

Thanks to the right combination of foods, and the choice of foods that promote the immune system and health, you get a food plan capable of chemically acting on the accumulation of fat, favoring the genes of slimming and emptying the adipocytes, the fat cells . In fact, Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi is  the creator of the molecular method, which finds its “slimming” counterpart in the lipoaspirant diet.

lipoaspirant diet menu

In particular, let’s see the main characteristics of the lipoaspirant diet.

  1. Reduction of carbohydrates to 80-90 net grams per day.
  2. Foods rich in vitamins A and D, the deficiencies of which slow down the metabolism.
  3. Intake of foods that contain omega3, which together with vitamins A and D promote the anti-obesity effect.
  4. Proteins with high biological value, both animal and vegetable, to be balanced with foods rich in antioxidants such as raw and cooked vegetables, and natural drinks such as green tea (two full cups a day or half a liter a day) and centrifuged to stimulate the metabolism.

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