Lifesum, the app that makes lazy people lose weight

Lifesum, the app that makes lazy people lose weight

Although it has been on the market for a while, today I am talking about Lifesum, an app similar to Myfitnesspal , where it is possible to follow a weight loss plan consisting essentially of two items: that of the diet (which can be studied according to the calorie count, or for the more experienced also with the breakdowns of macronutrients) and that of physical activity.

The Lifesum app, which you can download on your smartphone , has a free basic version, and a paid gold version , with a monthly or annual subscription cost.

Lifesum: what does it consist of?
At the time of registration, Lifesum will ask you for a range of information, from weight to age to gender and your weight loss goals. At that point, it gives you a certain number of daily calories to reach your weight loss goal in a set time (two months, four months, 5 weeks), even with a macronutrient breakdown to respect (i.e., a certain amount of carbohydrates , proteins and fats).

In the tot of daily calories are included those you spend on certain activities: if you do sport you can do more, but each activity is recorded in order to let you know how much you consume in terms of energy and according to a certain time; so even a person who doesn’t go to the gym but stands up all day knows how many extra calories they spend thanks to Lifesum.

The daily calories are broken down by main meals and there is a list of foods to choose from.
If we have had a cappuccino at the bar with a slice of cake, it will be enough to find these foods in the list to get an idea (more or less reliable) of how much we have assumed in terms of calories and macronutrients.

If, on the other hand, we are at the supermarket, it will be enough to scan the barcode to load the nutritional values ​​of the product we have bought.

We “win” when our daily food day matches the green progression of the circle that represents our daily goal . If the circle turns completely green, we have satisfied the daily requirements of calories to be taken and macronutrients: in short, we have fed ourselves correctly according to our goals.

Lifesum: For Weight Loss Only?
No, this app also works for those who want to gain muscle mass or want to stay in a healthy weight.

Lifesum: who is it suitable for?
Like other applications, Lifesum is also perfect for those who want to lose weight but need both an “external” motivation, for example a control tool, and help in calculating calories and macronutrients. Not only that: Lifesum also calculates how much water we need to drink per day.

Where to find it? You can download the free version here , try it out and then decide if the Gold version is worth it.

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