Lack of light makes us fat

Lack of light makes us fat

A finding published in the journal Cell Reports links light deficiency with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. Hence greater visceral fat, high cholesterol and blood sugar, high blood pressure or high triglycerides.
So the more you stay indoors and at home, the more fat you get and the worsening of your blood sugar and blood sugar levels.

But why does the lack of light make us fat?

Here’s what the study explains.


Although the study was conducted in mice, the researchers explain that they found that our body fat cells (adipocytes) are sensitive to sunlight.
Basically, adipocytes behave differently depending on how much we are exposed to light.

The white fat cells (or white adipocytes or WAT) in fact produce a substance called encephaloopsin when subjected to a longer time of light. Encephalopsin is a protein that is part of GPCRs and is linked to increased energy expenditure.

So not only brown fat (Bat) activating allows us to burn more calories, but also the same white body fat, what we commonly refer to as fat, can help us burn more calories if we are more exposed to light.

The study explains that white fat can produce encephalopsin and that this substance causes what we eat to convert more into heat (thermogenesis). This in turn reduces the size of the adipocytes leading to weight loss.

But the lack of light makes the fat mass more inert.

According to researchers from the Center for Chronobiology in Cincinnati who conducted the study, a lower production of encephalopsin would explain the tendency to accumulate weight in modern man.

Because in industrialized countries people tend to spend more and more time indoors, between homes and offices, apart from when they go on vacation they spend too much time in lack of light and open air.
Such a finding would explain why vitamin D deficiency is linked to being overweight .

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