Is the sweetener bad? A new study

Is the sweetener bad? A new study

Is using sweetener bad for your health, is it likely to make us fat? The debate on the effects of sweeteners on health is still open, and the studies are contradictory: in some it is said that sweeteners affect the perception of hunger, increasing it (therefore if we do not keep calories under control we tend to eat more), in others studies that are harmless, and indeed useful for following a low-calorie slimming regimen.
Now another study is released: this time a review , therefore a revision study, which collects data from 7 protocol studies and 30 cohort studies, for a total of about 420 thousand participants in all.

Comparing the results of these studies shows that the use of sweeteners is associated with a slight increase in the body mass index , but analyzing the data of the cohort studies alone, the impression, although not significant, is that the use some sweetener hurts and does not make you lose weight. In fact, the use of the sweetener is associated with an increase in weight, in cm of waist circumference, in the risk of certain diseases related to obesity, such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
This does not mean that the sweetener causes these events, but that a minimum of caution in its use is a must. Therefore the recommendation remains to not abuse sweeteners and sweetened products, but to use them in moderation.

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