Intestinal gas: how to reduce bloating with diet

Intestinal gas: how to reduce bloating with diet

The production of intestinal gas following a meal is physiological : it is normal for some foods to ferment in the intestine, with particular attention to complex carbohydrates (including legumes), simple sugars and fibers (but also foods that contain fats, such as oilseeds, or protein foods such as some cheeses and dairy products can create intestinal fermentation). Through intestinal fermentation, the body obtains some essential fatty acids, nourishes the bacterial flora, reduces the absorption of fats, purifies some substances and makes others more available.
But when this process goes on for a long time, when intestinal gas leads us to have a bloating that persists and does not go away even after a day, limits intestinal regularity, creates discomfort and even some pain, causes retention, then it means that our intestines it manages “badly” certain fermentation processes, probably due to a digestive poverty that must absolutely be improved.

In this article we see how to limit excess intestinal gas with the right dietary precautions. It is very likely that by following them you will also lose some weight naturally.

People who have weak digestion that results in swollen stomachs and intestinal problems of various kinds, must pay attention to these things in their diet. – Don’t get too much fiber:

an excess of fiber is irritating to some types of intestines. If you suffer from excessive intestinal fermentation, do not eat large portions of vegetables in a single meal, especially raw, or, if you prefer raw, limit yourself to a very small portion of low-fibrous vegetables (for example valerian, songino) avoiding that raw with ribs or leathery parts (carrots, celery, radicchio, iceberg lettuce, broccoli, artichoke hearts). When you also clean the cooked vegetables, cut the toughest ribs.
– Eat vegetables in small pieces, cooked and properly seasoned: fats help us digest fiber better . Always season the vegetables by putting them in a pan with oil or seasoning them with raw oil.
Do not mess with too many types of vegetables per meal : avoid mixing vegetables, and especially avoid soups. Limit yourself to one or two types of vegetables per meal, in small portions. Avoid raw vegetables especially in the evening.
– Avoid wholemeal pasta, bread and rice with added bran: not everyone tolerates wholemeal products, and especially those with bran and bran, which are the majority of industrial and commercial products. To avoid refined products, consume basmati rice, buckwheat, quinoa. – Avoid potatoes and watch out for legumes:

the legumes that cause less intestinal gas are the boiled ones, in glass packs. In particular, lentils and cannellini beans are better tolerated. Among the fresh legumes, peas. To facilitate digestion, purée them with a vegetable mill and do not consume them every day, but in moderate quantities 2-3 times a week maximum. Same thing for potatoes. In some people, they cause an excess of intestinal gas. Try cutting back on them or eat sweet potatoes instead, which are more digestible. Prefer them in puree (mashed with a fork), without peel and low in fat (unlike vegetables).
– Beware of simple sugars:too sugary foods cause intestinal fermentation. Reduce sugar intake in favor of stevia, avoid snacks like packaged cookies, fruit yogurt or fruit juices. Even fruit should not be consumed either with the peel or after a meal in which we have already eaten bread, pasta, rice or potatoes. Acidic fruits can be combined with almonds or peeled pistachios, while fruit such as apple, pear, must be peeled and cooked lightly with a small piece of butter or half a teaspoon of coconut oil, and combined with cinnamon (hypoglycemic) or some ginger (digestive). Green light for the banana, which, however, being rich in sugar should be consumed in moderation, combining it with a protein food (for example a delactosed Greek yogurt). Dairy products can also be a problem: better aged cheeses or delactosed dairy products or goat’s milk products.
– No smoothies, juices, and anything that’s blended with a blender. If you love soups, cook the vegetables in small pieces, but don’t blend them to avoid taking in air. Centrifugates and smoothies but also juices from extractor have a higher glycemic index and are not tolerated by everyone. Extractor juices as you know do not have fiber, but the mix of carbohydrates between vegetables and fruit can cause intestinal gas.
– Watch out for carbohydrates: it is better to balance meals with proteins, and perhaps take carbohydrates with each meal but in moderation than having a mega plate of pasta or rice for lunch.

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