Integrated medicine, description and use

Integrated medicine, description and use

Integrated medicine is a gentler and more natural medicine that takes into account the individual as a whole . Let’s find out better.

>   What is  integrated medicine

>   How does it work?

>   What does integrated medicine cure?

>   For whom it is useful

>   The law in Italy and abroad

>   Associations and reference bodies

Integrated medicine

What is integrated medicine?

The term integrated medicine is a relatively new word, in the field for a few years, which is slowly replacing the terminologies of “holistic medicine” or ” alternative medicine “ . So it groups in itself the two main meanings of the other terminologies , referring, on the one hand, to a sweeter and more natural medicine, on the other to a medicine that takes into account the individual as a whole.

But integrated medicine also considers the positive elements of traditional medicine, for which many serious operators, doctors, dentists and professionals in the sector, have felt the need to have their professionalism protected and recognized, also giving dignity to alternative medicines, in the face of myriad of braggart who were being born on the field.

This is how the project of integrated medicine was born, which is part of those unconventional medicines that are examined and authoritative from a legal and regulatory point of view.


How does it work?

Generally it can be said that the way we consider medicine in the world is changing, in fact it is increasingly seen as a tool to achieve the total psychophysical well-being of the person , more and more preventive than devoted to “a posteriori” treatment.

Integrated medicine represents the new paradigm of medical care, which takes into consideration all the factors that involve health, well-being and illness, including the psychological and spiritual dimensions of a person’s life . In essence, integrated medicine combines modern diagnostic tests and conventional or allopathic treatments with a careful selection of other therapies from oriental medicine, phytotherapy, homeopathy , massage or other, all practices that combine the mind and the body, such as yoga, oriental disciplines and meditation .

Duke University is one of the authorities that has dealt most with integrated medicine in the world, also developing a “Health Wheel” . The wheel essentially summarizes the approach of integrated medicine to personal care and is made up of three concentric circles, the three elements of good health.

These three circles are, in order from the most central to the most external: awareness, self-care and professional care . Each has a subset of important factors to consider in integrated medicine, which are: the mind-body connection, movement and physical activity, nutrition, physical environment, social relationships, personal development and spirituality, preventive medicine, the use of drugs and supplements, CAM therapies (Complementary and Alternative Medicine, or alternative approaches such as, for example, massage, osteopathy, acupuncture and hypnosis).


What does integrated medicine cure?

First of all, it is important to state that integrated medicine does not start from considering the disorder itself, but from the person as a whole and globally, to then arrive at the pathology that is developing in this.

We can say that every type of disorder can be cured by integrated medicine , as it considers the intervention of several health professionals (doctors, psychotherapists, health and social workers in general), who give specific responses to the ailments of the person as a whole.


For whom it is useful

Medicine is generally indicated for everyone, even better for those who believe in the importance of the interaction between doctor and patient : the latter, in fact, instead of passively receiving orders from doctors and following standard therapies, actively participates in health issues. , modifying the treatments as needed.

The patient therefore has an active role in self-care and is made aware of the different choices available to prevent and treat diseases.

Integrated health plans are thus formulated, which start from the assumption that each individual has an innate ability to heal, which must be supported and enhanced.


The law in Italy and abroad

In the early years of the 21st century the integration of complementary and integrated medicines with conventional medicine is on the rise, especially in countries such as North America and Europe, while in the East it is generally a practice that has always been considered complementary, if not primary.

In the United States , a growing proportion of hospitals offer complementary therapies, while more and more doctors are using CAM in their practice. In Italy there is always a lot of confusion about it and requests for clear legislation on the matter by professional associations are always on the agenda.

There are about two hundred public centers that offer complementary medicine services in the peninsula, of which about sixty in Tuscany which, among the regions, is the one that has gone further in the integration of CAM in the regional health service.

In addition to Tuscany, references and activity programs relating to complementary medicines can be found in the regional health plans of Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Umbria, Lazio, while observers are active in almost all other regions. , commissions or other institutional structures of reference. Finally, the approval of a document on CAM in the degree courses of the health area for which some universities is relevant.


Associations and reference bodies

Among the bodies promoting the dissemination of knowledge about integrated medicine and the desire to clarify it are Fiamo (Italian Federation of Associations and Homeopathic Doctors), Siomi (Italian Society of Homeopathy and Integrated Medicine).

The SIPNEI , Italian Society of Psycho Neuro Endocrine Immunology promotes the study of the human organism in its entirety and in its fundamental relationship with the environment, in the broadest sense of the term, therefore the change in care, scientific research and relationships human.

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