Insulin sensitivity promotes body fat loss

Insulin sensitivity promotes body fat loss

If the brain is sensitive to the action of the hormone insulin, losing body fat and not just weight becomes much easier. Conversely, insulin resistance, even in the brain, promotes not only the accumulation of weight, but the accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body, for example visceral.

This is what was discovered by a team of German researchers, universities and hospitals from the German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), Helmholtz Zentrum München and Tübingen University Hospital.
insulin sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity: you lose more weight and do not regain weight

Basically, the influence of the hormone insulin is also felt in the brain.

We know that insulin sensitivity means getting full earlier with a high-carbohydrate or high-protein meal.
And that, on the contrary, resistance to this hormone causes diabetes, an increase in visceral fat, difficulty in getting sated and consequently continuous hunger.

In the latter case, the researchers explain in a study in the journal Nature Communications , putting a person with insulin resistance on a diet will not give the same effects in weight loss and loss of body fat.

Yes, you lose weight, but very slowly and you gain weight more easily.
The brain itself responds differently.
The brain, the researchers explain, is heavily influenced by the action of insulin.

In fact, some networks of neurons are responsible for our eating behavior. And in particular how much food we eat and the type of food we choose to eat.

To be most affected by the action of insulin is the area of ​​the hypothalamus, which has a direct dialogue with some receptors of the intestine.

To study the relationship between the brain and insulin, the researchers divided overweight subjects into two groups, subjected them to an insulin-based spray and scanned their brains’ reactions.

Based on the reactions of the hypothalamus, they divided the subjects into more sensitive or less sensitive to insulin and then gave everyone the same diet and the same maintenance.

Result: those who were more sensitive to insulin lost more weight and body fat than those who were insulin resistant, and did not regain weight during maintenance. Quite the opposite in the opposite case.

Therefore, the researchers explain, to make a subject lose weight not only the diet, but strategies to increase his insulin sensitivity. In this regard, read how to increase insulin sensitivity : you should adopt these strategies before going on a diet.

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