Inflamed prostate, symptoms
There are age-related issues that affect men specifically. The prostate, a typically male organ, undergoes significant changes over time. It is worth being informed.

Advancing age brings unwelcome “gifts” to ladies ( menopause , hot flashes …), but also a little something to gentlemen (about 80% of them): the prostate undergoes slow but constant expansion over time .
However, when its size should be greater than the internal space available between the other organs, the prostate compresses the urethra, causing inflammation and urinary disorders , which can be the first alarm signal.
Inflammation of the prostate can hide real pathologies, which will only be diagnosed by the doctor after a thorough examination and possible blood tests.
Prostatitis is the most recurrent pathology affecting the prostate, and in addition to inflammation it has different causes and symptoms, as well as 4 different types.
Inflamed prostate – type I prostatitis: symptoms
It is a form of acute prostatitis, of bacterial origin , characterized by the following symptoms:
> High fever with chills.
> Pain during sexual intercourse.
> Pain in the pelvic-lumbar area.
> Scrotal pain.
> Painful ejaculation with the presence of blood.
> Painful defecation.
> Painful and problematic urination.
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Inflamed prostate – type II prostatitis: symptoms
It is a chronic inflammation of the prostate of bacterial origin that can have several causes: the failure or incorrect treatment of an acute prostatitis of bacterial origin, a urinary tract infection or, finally, the complication of a testicular infection.
Symptoms and signs of chronic bacterial prostatitis overlap with those of bacterial acute prostatitis, with these differences:
> Gradual onset of symptoms.
> Symptoms of lesser severity.
> Symptoms that may disappear over a period of time and then reappear.
> Long lasting: symptoms can persist even for several months.
Inflamed prostate – type II prostatitis: symptoms
This type of inflammation of the prostate is also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome , and is linked to multiple causes, which doctors and researchers, despite numerous studies, have not yet fully clarified.
Nerve damage, autoimmune origin, excess stress, trauma to the prostate, hard work and high impact sports are suspected.
The most recent classification distinguishes type III prostatitis into two subtypes : chronic inflammatory pelvic pain syndrome (subtype IIIA) and chronic noninflammatory pelvic pain syndrome (subtype IIIB).
Symptoms of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis are the same as for chronic bacterial prostatitis, except for fever, in this case absent.
Inflamed prostate – type IV prostatitis: symptoms
Type IV prostatitis is also called asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate . There is a high rate of inflammation detectable by clinical analyzes but at the same time there is a complete absence of symptoms.
At the moment the studies in progress have not yet understood the triggering causes nor the reasons for the lack of symptoms.
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