Importance of child nutrition:

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Importance of child nutrition:

Importance of child nutrition:
Importance of child nutrition:


After infancy which is most protective and carful age childhood starts. It’s a remarkable period. It is time of running, growing, learning, it is time for development, and it is time to attain good health, it is time for improvement of immune system. So, for proper growth and development

In this article I will discuss about Importance of child nutrition:. To attain good health, Proper healthy nutrition is very important in childhood. In this article I will discuss about Importance of  in Childhood, Healthy eating in Childhood, Carbohydrates in childhood, Protein in child hood, and Fat in childhood, Vegetables for children, Love and care and Diseases in childhood. This article will focus only on child nutrition instead of nutrition in infancy. And if you want to know about nutrition in infancy then click on this link and visit our article about infant nutrition:


Importance of Nutrition in Childhood:

As we know that nutrition is involved in every field of life. I means about your health, In your learning, in your physical activities, even it is involved in your aging

Why is Nutrition so Important for Children?

. So childhood is starts after infancy to adolescence (age when child mature for sex), It is most critical age of life. In this age every process that involved in future functioning is going on peak. Malnourishment in this age may cause many diseases. So for proper growth and development adequate amount of basic nutrients is required, Such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins and fats.

Healthy eating in Childhood:|

Importance of child nutrition: Healthy eating in every age is very important. After infant age, healthy food is important because it is an age in which bones and brain cells grow. If we ignore this age than we will face severe condition. Mashed food with love and care is used in this age. Basic food groups should also be used in this age, Such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins and fats.  Adequate amount of these foods in children is given below. And some dietary recommendations also described.

Carbohydrates in childhood:

childhood are important, because in this age child starts activity and carbohydrates gives quick energy for their activity. Carbohydrates give energy as well as they are involved in the apatite of child. So, Whole grains, simple sugars especially glucose and fructose recommended in this age. Whole grains should present in child’s diet, because they are also good source of iron and iron is most important in this age. According to IOM 130 g carbohydrates are recommend for children.

Protein in child hood:

Importance of child nutrition: As we know that childhood is a growing age. So, adequate amount of protein is most important in this growing age for proper growth. Protein is also important for proper mental growth and development. Due to deficiency of protein in food, a child may suffer from Protein Energy Malnutrition. It is most common disease in develop countries, where carbohydrates are use as staple food.

If you want to know more about PEM (Protein energy malnutrition), click on this link and visit our article that will give you brief information:


Fat in childhood:

Fat and sugars should be use in fewer amounts during childhood, because chances of obesity increase in this age. About 20-25 percent fat should be use in childhood.

Vegetables and fruits for children:

In childhood we should intake green leafy vegetables, and vegetables which are rich in iron. Soft and fresh vegetables should be used, because digestive system is not completely develop in this age. As it fruits without peel should be use in during childhood.

Love and care:

Love and care are most important for a child, we should always treat with love. We should make eating with love instead of force.

Diseases in childhood:

Protein Energy Malnutrition:

This condition arrives when the sparing action of carbohydrates and fats is no more. If a person is getting consistently a calorie deficient diet or poor diet (low in protein) or is not getting its complete body energy requirement from the food that he/she eats, the body starts degrading the body protein for energy purpose to thrive the life. This is know as the protein energy malnutrition. The two pathetic conditions that usually results from the PEM are;

  • Kwashiorkor
  • Marasmus

Kwashiorkor:|Importance of child nutrition:

This condition usually occur in an older child when a new child is born and mother shifts the older one from breast-feeding to weaning that is taking the diets more in carbohydrates. Due to protein deficiency stunting occurs. The skin flakes and may ulcerate. Characteristic features of this pathetic condition are edema mainly accumulates in abdomen, fatty liver, liver enlargement, depigmentation of hair and skin and wasting etc. it usually occur due to inadequate protein intake child nutrition.

Marasmus:|Importance of child nutrition:

It is one extreme form of protein-energy malnutrition in developing countries Children. It usually occurs due to inadequate intake of protein and calorie (carbohydrates)child nutrition. The major symptoms include severe muscle wasting with little or no edema, minimal subcutaneous fat and abnormal levels of albumin in serum. The child has a wizened appearance and may develop diarrhea and stomach swelling. The child becomes more susceptible to infections. It usually occurs in early months of life, often early weaning from the breast.

Conclusion:|Importance of child nutrition:

At the end in the light of above discussion we can say that childhood is very important period. It is time of running, growing, learning, it is time for development, and it is time to attain good health, it is time for improvement of immune system. So, for proper growth and development. To attain good health, Proper healthy nutrition is very important in childhood.


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