How to use Google translate on WhatsApp

How to use Google translate on WhatsApp

google translate on WhatsApp

One of the weaknesses of WhatApp compared to other instant messaging applications is that it does not incorporate a tool to translate text into other languages. A barrier that can be overcome thanks to the Google translator .

It was the same Google released a video tutorial explaining this new feature in its latest version of its mobile translator. This feature is called “tap to translate” (click to translate) and works with various applications, including WhatsApp.

How to translate a text on WhatsApp

To activate the translation function on WhatsApp just follow two simple steps:

  1. select the text you want to translate and press the copy button
  2. click on the Google translate button

<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-2396 entered exited" src="data:;base64,” alt=”One of the weaknesses of Whatsapp in comparison with other instant messaging applications is that it does not incorporate a tool to translate text into other languages. A barrier that can be overcome thanks to the Google translator. It was the same Google released a video tutorial explaining this new feature in its latest version of its mobile translator. This feature is called "tap to translate" (click to translate) and works with various applications, including WhatsApp. How to translate a text on WhatsApp To activate the translation function on WhatsApp just follow two simple steps: select the text you want to translate and press the copy button click on the Google translate button Et voilà, that’s it. The app automatically translates the text. A real revolution if you think that before the arrival of this novelty, to translate a text it was necessary to copy it and then paste it directly into the translator app. Voice note translation The interesting thing is that the Google translator works on WhatsApp even with audio notes. Also, this feature can be used even if you don’t have an Internet connection. Ps. The Google translate function on WhatsApp is currently only available for Android devices (for iPhone there is still a wait). Ps 2. If the button to translate the text does not appear, exit WhatsApp, go to the Translator settings and activate the “Tap to translate” function. Voice note translation The interesting thing is that the Google translator works on WhatsApp even with audio notes. Also, this feature can be used even if you don’t have an Internet connection. Ps. The Google translate function on WhatsApp is currently only available for Android devices (for iPhone there is still a wait). Ps 2. If the button to translate the text does not appear, exit WhatsApp, go to the Translator settings and activate the “Tap to translate” function. Voice note translation The interesting thing is that the Google translator works on WhatsApp even with audio notes. Also, this feature can be used even if you don’t have an Internet connection. Ps. The Google translate function on WhatsApp is currently only available for Android devices (for iPhone there is still a wait). Ps 2. If the button to translate the text does not appear, exit WhatsApp, go to the Translator settings and activate the “Tap to translate” function.” width=”1046″ height=”509″ data-lazy-srcset=” 1046w,×146.jpg 300w,×498.jpg 1024w,×457.jpg 940w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 1046px) 100vw, 1046px” data-lazy-src=”” />

Et voilà, that’s it. The app automatically translates the text.

A real revolution if you think that before the arrival of this novelty, to translate a text it was necessary to copy it and then paste it directly into the translator app.

Voice translation and settings

The interesting thing is that the Google translator works on WhatsApp by reading the translated text, in order to understand the pronunciation of words. Also, this feature can be used even if you don’t have an Internet connection.

Ps. The Google translate function on WhatsApp is currently only available for Android devices (for iPhone there is still a wait).

Ps 2. If the button to translate the text does not appear, exit WhatsApp, go to the Translator settings and activate the “Tap to translate” function.

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