How to treat the postoperative scars of my wrist surgery?

How to treat the postoperative scars of my wrist surgery?

Hi everyone, I am writing to you because I am unfortunately afraid that the scar from my wrist surgery (ulnar nerve decompression at Guyon’s canal) has caused me to worsen my symptoms. Before the surgery (undergone on April 2, therefore 7 months ago) I had numb the last two fingers of my hand, now the area of ​​the palm that goes from the little finger to the wrist and the whole area around the scar is also numb. Also when I do certain movements, such as typing on the PC, I feel the area of ​​the scar tingling. I must also say that these disturbances increase with worsening weather conditions and on the days of the cycle. The surgeon who operated on me recommended Mederma cream and detachment massages or punctual laser therapy. Now before you spend your money on useless therapies and useless creams, I would like some advice from you on something really effective and natural. Thank you so much for your valuable advice!

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Dear Iolanda, to treat scars in a natural way you can use aloe vera or snail slime . Then adding a few drops of resque remedy in the products you intend to use can help the suffering part to alleviate the symptoms. Deeper help is associated with the doctor’s advice already given. Obviously the improvement and the response of the body to the treatments are strictly subjective and also linked to the constitutionality of the individual, sometimes you have to try more methods before finding the right way. Keep me updated and good recovery.


Hello, all scars should be treated as they can “harness” nerve endings and block the energy flow, consequently creating other imbalances even in distant areas of the body. I suggest home-mesotherapy with the aim of acting directly on the scar, draining and promoting circulation both locally and throughout the body.

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