How to succeed in following a low-calorie diet?

How to succeed in following a low-calorie diet?

How to manage to follow a low-calorie diet without giving in to constant cheats?

There are two ways. The first is not to get hungry enough to look at the neighbor with the lewd eye of someone who is looking at a giant pizza: one thing that in fact everyone underestimates is that there is no standard calorie deficit. A 1200 calorie diet may be fine for a woman with a daily basal metabolic rate of 1500 calories – typically a sedentary woman, often in menopause. But it can’t be good for an active woman, nor for a man, of course. Knowing our daily caloric needs allows us to calculate our right deficit, which should never exceed 20% daily.
I always recommend a 10% deficit to those who ask me how many calories to cut, and of the daily activity or several times a week that allows us toincrease the deficit with physical activity . In this way the metabolism does not slow down too much and we do not go hungry. And if the deficit is not enough, we can reduce another 10% of daily calories.

Let’s take the example of a 35-year-old woman with a daily caloric requirement of 1850 calories.

A 10% deficit is approximately 1680 calories . Clearly, weight loss is very slow, but physical activity allows us to at least cut another 80-100 calories per day, promoting stress-free weight loss.
So first ask yourself: Am I eating adequately or am I eating too little?
Because if the deficit is too large, on the one hand you lose too much lean mass, on the other you get stressed, and the consequence is craving much more food. Now let’s see the second thing.

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