How to purify the intestine and eliminate toxins… and the pounds!

How to purify the intestine and eliminate toxins… and the pounds!

Today I am talking about how to purify the intestine and eliminate toxins and waste with a three-week natural cure that I read on the page of ” Mamma Fitness ” (I recommend it to all mothers who want to stay in shape, but often the advice they are also for women in general: click here to “like” the page) and that I know to be very effective because I have tried a similar one, which I have already talked about here.
It is a “special breakfast” to be followed for three weeks to:
– purify the intestine and eliminate waste
– increase intestinal regularity and restore a correct intestinal microbiota
– deflate the belly
– increase the health of skin, nails and hair. 
– lose up to 5 kilos “on average” of waste, swelling and retention
This treatment should be done for three weeks and no longer, once or twice a year.
Small parenthesis: it generally works for everyone, but those suffering from particular intestinal problems should avoid these experimental remedies. This is because for some the seeds are irritating and create constipation: they are very effective because they are hydrophilic foods (i.e. they attract water and create a mass / gel that favors the evacuation and cleanses the intestine) but they should not always be taken precisely for the their “mechanical” action.
For this reason, the treatment should not be repeated if not one more time a year.

Special breakfast recipe to purify the intestines, lose weight and eliminate waste
from Mamma Fitness.
As soon as you wake up, drink two glasses of water twenty minutes before eating. Then prepare the mixture according to the directions, mix well and wait five minutes (it tends to harden): you can add half an apple into small pieces to make it a real breakfast.

Recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour (or a tablespoon of crushed flax seeds) + 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 100 ml of milk or water kefir (you can also find milk kefir in supermarkets) and a teaspoon of honey.
Double the doses of flaxseed flour and chia seeds (the doses of kefir and honey are the same).
Make 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and one of chia seeds with 150 ml of kefir and a teaspoon of honey.

During the rest of the day: it is recommended to drink at least two liters of water, to avoid so-called junk foods, to eat wholemeal, avoiding an excess of sugars and refined products.

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