How to make the right snacks for weight loss

How to make the right snacks for weight loss

How to snack to lose weight or stay in shape, especially if we want to lose some weight while maintaining a healthy metabolism?
We know that not all snacks are created equal.
Sometimes we can eat something like a nice fruit, be satisfied initially but after half an hour still feel hungry. Other times, we may “waste calories” on foods that we already know will not fill us up (for example, a cookie).


The snacking problem is not to be underestimated.
It has been seen that a large part of people with a tendency to gain weight have the habit of eating between meals.
So if during meals we know more or less to regulate ourselves, between one meal and another we often make the mistake of exaggerating.
Do you know for example the real cause of the so-called French paradox ? Wine has nothing to do with it. Antioxidants are not involved. As explained in the book ” The end of overeating “, until fifteen years ago the French did not eat between meals. That’s all.

Then there were: the machines in all schools; the opening of restaurants and cafes that serve food even at times considered not suited to those of regular meals, mostly in response to the needs of tourists. And of course, more fast food. The result is that today French is no longer that model of thinness at the expense of cheeses and baguettes.

Obviously, one solution would be to eat nothing between meals.
But this solution is not the winning one for everyone. There is a risk of overdoing it during breakfast, lunch and dinner, of having blood sugar drops and greater stress in people who are more predisposed to it.
If you want to lose weight, our strategy cannot be based on self-control alone. And then what?
Here are 3 rules you need to keep in mind for snacking even when you want to lose weight .

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