How to lose weight? There are many ways

How to lose weight? There are many ways

I write this article because I want a fundamental point to be clear, and I write it in response to all those who under some articles, generally about disposable diets or in comments on titles that they do not understand (the ice cream diet, the diet of ‘water) because they have not read the article, they always make me the same criticism, that is: BUT ENOUGH! BUT HOW MANY DIETS! BUT WHO DO YOU TAKE FOR THE BOTTOMS? EVERYONE KNOWS THAT TO LOSE WEIGHT IS JUST … (here instead of the dots you can put something at random: moderation, healthy diet, exercise or a bit of everything).

Now. Let me clarify a first point. There is no us. There is a me. This is a personal blog . I do information but, as I was able to write extensively in the disclaimer of the site and on facebook, Dcomedieta is not a newspaper, it does not have an editorial staff. It’s my blog. My home. And as I said: I’m an independent researcher on diets, I’ve been writing about diets for years.

I clarify another one. I am NOT just talking about disposable diets, three day diets and protein diets. On the contrary. These diets occupy only 20% of the articles on my blog, which are more than three thousand. I write about four new articles every day: on eating problems, on eating disorders, against the diet business, nervous hunger, metabolic problems. I have written much more about the healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. But: disposable diets are the most sought after and the ones that people ASK me for. Yes, because any of you can write to me and ask me to find out about a diet he has heard of.
And I will do my best to satisfy you and understand more, because mine is a passion.

But now I tell you an uncomfortable truth, indeed, more than one.
There is no healthy diet.
If I take ten dieticians and compare them they will say ten different things.
Who says animal protein is evil. Who says I’m good. Who says soy is bad for you. Who who does well. Who says you shouldn’t eat carbohydrates or reduce them to 40% per meal. Who that carbohydrates need to be increased to 60 and even 80% of our diet. Who says the glycemic index matters. Who says it’s bullshit. Who says insulin is bad. Who says that we have not understood anything about insulin. Who says calories don’t exist. Who says calories are the only thing that matter.
I’ll tell you. They are all right. None of them are right.
This is because in the diets business, even professionals in the sector rely on partial truths and on a way of documenting that is called “cherry picking”: you only analyze what you want to see, what works for you, what complies with your practice. You throw everything else into the sea.

This (also) because it is impossible to give indications that are valid for everyone. The professional knows this, but he does not escape the business machine: so he collaborates with newspapers and goes on TV, generalizing the message; he writes books, where however he does not give people a chance to understand, but exposes only a partial truth.
And in a certain sense you do that too. We all do a little bit like this. With the only difference that neither you nor I prescribe diets for people, neither you nor I sell weight loss programs or write diet books.

Trust me, on my word. I update myself every day (sorry the tongue twister) and I also read things that are contrary to my principles. It is terrible to see that reputable and graduated people do not update themselves, defend theories and build paradigms about such a thing as human nutrition. From this point of view, it becomes difficult to misjudge the grapefruit or grape diet.
Yes, because many things that are mainstream and that work also cause food imbalances. And worse, they are also spoken by people who should be not only competent, but also up to date.

The jockey diet will NOT destroy your kidneys for three days of meat or fish. Unless you have kidney disease.
Certain names behind the diets are purely for marketing: many diets that you believe are disposable are developed by dieticians.
That is, doctors .
Having months of a low-protein meal plan can do you much more harm; completely eliminating certain foods for months or years in the belief that they can harm you (but you do not have an intolerance) can do you much more damage.
Excluding foods with a high glycemic index is another nonsense: what matters, and not for everyone or always, is the glycemic load, and even better the insulin load. So the ice cream diet won’t kill you. 
The minestrone diet does not kill anyone for five or six days, although I have put it among the diets to avoid. The additives of some products, the stress of continuous calorie restrictions, the heavy metals found in industrial products derived from rice or in large fish, yes: you just don’t want to hear these things.
And the fasts? Today they are in fashion. But they are not for everyone, at all.

According to you, the fault lies with the people who believe in magical foods, but those people feel taken for a ride and felt taken for a ride not by me, not by you, but by people who move in the wellness sector, at work. speaking.
I’m not the one who put a pharmacist on TV talking about diets. There is a pharmacist on TV because in Italy even those who are doctors make misinformation, deceive and impoverish people. And these then rely on who they tell them. They buy meal replacements, they look for the quick diet because, like everyone, they exercise one thing that is right to exercise: freedom of choice.
Right, wrong, their business?
Given the pulpit that is nutrition in Italy, that’s no doubt their business.
Insights: DiscoverThe Meal Replacement Diet: Lose weight with DIY recipes. 

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