How to lose 10 kilos in a month according to Tim Ferriss

How to lose 10 kilos in a month according to Tim Ferriss

Today I will explain in detail one of the strategies to lose weight quickly and that has been more successful in America in recent years: the creator of this method, a fast diet that allows you to lose 10 kg in a month, is Tim Ferriss , an entrepreneur with passion for kickboxing, as well as author of the famous book ” The 4 hour diet “.

Tim explains how to go on a diet to lose a lot of weight even without physical activity.
It is a low carb regime to be done for a month from Monday to Saturday, with Sunday off. He calls it slow carb , because some carbohydrate foods are present but are also low on the glycemic index.
Basically it is a cyclical ketogenic diet. No carbohydrates for most days of the week and a small time window in which we can eat them instead.
Here is the diagram on page two. 

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