How to fight travel constipation?

How to fight travel constipation?

Travel constipation : if we plan a trip abroad or to a location other than our city, due to climate, food quality and type of diet, or with long journeys such as the train, it is normal for many people to have problems with intestinal regularity.

These problems are mainly caused by the fact that our bacterial flora is delicate and “undergoes” the sudden change of habits, and also the different environment contributes to modify it, in addition to the stress factor. Traveling, changing sleep / wake times are some of the stress factors that affect the intestinal flora.
Let ‘s see how to fight travel constipation with the advice of Dr. Alan Green , intestinal health specialist.


  1. Listen to your body.

    If you feel tired, headache, lack of appetite or hunger, try to rest, hydrate, eat according to the signals your body sends you. For example, if you are tired, make an extra stop during the trip, or take a siesta and be softer with the times you have set for yourself to visit certain places.
    Having a busy schedule is counterproductive. If you feel bloated, drink more water and prefer bottled water if you are unsure of the hygienic conditions of the water in the country you are visiting. In this case, avoid ice and even tap water to brush your teeth.

  2. Pay attention to the preparation of the dishes and try to choose the ones that are safer for you.

    If the fiber irritates you, if pizza is causing you bloating, if a meal seems too spicy for your taste, avoid eating it. It’s okay to try new dishes, but always try to rely on those foods that you generally digest best.

  3. Pay attention to the hygiene factor.

    Wash your hands more often, avoid salads or unpeeled vegetables if you eat out and are unsure of restaurant hygiene.

  4. Get up often if you go on long trips where you will remain seated.

    If you take long journeys by car or train, get up for a walk every now and then. Avoid sitting for hours.

  5. Hydrate.

    When out and about, take a bottle of water with you and drink it in small sips. Greater hydration is also recommended on the plane. Small, frequent sips are great for fighting travel constipation.

  6. Bring probiotics and lactic ferments with you.

    Laxatives make the problem worse, while probiotics help the intestinal flora whenever a change occurs that can negatively affect our regularity. Before the trip, be sure to bring probiotics, lactic ferments in vials, and some slightly laxative but sweeter herbal teas, such as lemon balm, fennel seeds and at the limit frangula.

  7. And above all, relax.

    You must think that traveling is a strong cause of stress, even if you don’t notice it or think you are used to it. So always try to relax as much as possible and give your body time to settle into the new environment.

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