How to eat to lose weight following hunger

How to eat to lose weight following hunger

According to a new study, conducted by the Loma Linda University School of Public Health from Prague, and conducted on 50,000 participants followed for years, those who ate more snacks during the day and those who ate more in the evening had greater weight. But how much can we trust these studies to understand how to eat for weight loss? It all really depends on us. In fact, there are individual differences on which to plan the time of our meals: the trick is to eat more at one meal and much less (or almost nothing) at another, generally according to this scheme.
– Hearty breakfast, normal lunch, low-calorie dinner (or no dinner): this scheme was the one used in the Prague study.

– Low-calorie breakfast (or no breakfast), normal lunch and large dinner: this pattern, like other patterns that make dinner the most important meal of the day, has been considered “successful” by some previous studies , and has even been said that  even a snack before bed can promote weight loss.
To understand which of the two schemes to favor and therefore understand how to eat to lose weight, I suggest you always consider two factors:
– the total daily calories
– your sense of hunger. 
If you are lazy and unappetizing in the morning, and feel like a lion at dinner, the first scheme is simply not good for you. Instead, you can skip breakfast, have a protein meal for lunch, and dedicate a balanced meal, including carbohydrates, to dinner. And lose weight, because the moment you are most hungry will coincide with the time you eat.
If you are hungry in the morning, and at dinner you know you can support yourself, do the first scheme.
In short: a lot depends on how you are. If you are a lark, eat an important meal for breakfast, a moderate protein meal for lunch and dinner, limit yourself to a few vegetables. If you are an owl, follow the second pattern.

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