How to control my dancing mood?
Hi, I am an 18 year old boy and I would like to have some advice on how to control the mood, because sometimes I happen to go from moments of normalcy to an unsheathed laugh, or into a depressing seriousness. The beauty is that it almost always happens for no apparent reason. Are there any herbal remedies to alleviate this or improve control?
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Control and Humor are terms that put together form an oxymoron, or a contradiction in terms, where the first never implies the second and vice versa. Having said that, perhaps it is better to focus on the fact that the emergence of the archetypal image of the “dancer” provoked his annoyance, his reaction. How to govern what dances? Impossible if not learning to dance. Maybe his mood dances to an unwelcome rhythm but how to say that dancing is something bad at 18? You notice that everything happens when you step into age when you start dancing “alone”, when you suddenly want to be able to do it yourself. Let us never forget that what happens “for no reason” perhaps has reasons for happening that we would no longer like to consider valid but which instead resist. I would ask myself WHAT DO I MEAN BY GROWING UP? BECOME AN ADULT? STOP DANCING? I would be careful to exclude from my life anything that wants to dance and refuses to be muted ….. Good reflection
Hi Niccolò, I agree with you on “for no apparent reason”, in the sense that a reason for our moods and behavior always exists. Maybe we can’t grasp it, or maybe it’s tiring to watch it. But I believe that only the path of awareness helps us to overcome what appear to us as incomprehensible symptoms. The rest only serves to “hold off”, not to solve. Working on the surface is very different from working in depth. Maybe you are on a path that you feel is not yours, or maybe you just don’t know which path to take. At your age it is understandable. You reminded me of two Bach flowers (cherry plum and scleranthus) but what you say about yourself is very little to give you an exhaustive and satisfying answer.

Hi Niccolò, to begin I tell you that usually our body has a dancing mood in situations of strong emotional / psychological stress, in cases of irregular sleep / wake rhythms, in the absence of physical activity and walks in the open air and in the case of nutrition. heavy and not suitable for our type of organism, which takes away energy and drops in mood. Having said this I advise you to supplement with vitamins of group B (B-total) you can find it in the pharmacy, and of group D you can also find these in the pharmacy. . Then I recommend that you do a lot of walks and do sports of any kind to keep your body always active. For the rest, as natural remedies there are excellent essential oils that improve our mood: bitter orange, lavender, lemon, pine essential oil, bergamot. You can find them in any herbalist’s shop, you can also get a mixture of these oils (bitter orange, lavender, lemon and bergamot) made. Keep me informed.

Flowers are fine to supplement with the vitamins I have indicated, I would also recommend relaxation and meditation techniques help a lot in stress. Essential oils are also very useful in this case and can be easily integrated with Bach flowers.

Flowers are fine to supplement with the vitamins I have indicated, I would also recommend relaxation and meditation techniques help a lot in stress. Essential oils are also very useful in this case and can be easily integrated with Bach flowers.
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