How to clean cat litter boxes naturally

How to clean cat litter boxes naturally

Vinegar and baking soda are the ideal natural products to clean cat litter in an effective, ecological and economical way and avoid the formation of bad odors.

How to clean cat litter boxes naturally

To ensure hygiene and cleanliness of the cat and the house, the litter box  must be periodically emptied completely and thoroughly washed: in this way our four-legged friends will be happier and we will avoid the accumulation of bad smells in the house .

Let ‘s see how to clean the cat litter box in a natural way and respecting the environment.

Wash the cat litter box with natural products

Keeping the cat’s litter box clean prevents the accumulation of bad smells and encourages the cat to dirty inside the litter box instead of outside: in fact, cats often tend to do their business on carpets, sofas, or mattresses when the litter box is not well cleaned.

Eliminating the smell of pee can then prove to be tiring, so it is certainly preferable to prevent this behavior by the cat by thoroughly cleaning the litter box periodically.

Every time the litter is completely emptied, it should be washed carefully to remove any organic residue and sanitized. Normally this operation is carried out with the classic detergents that are found on the market but there is no lack of natural products to clean the cat’s litter box.

First of all, it is possible to clean the cat’s litter box and eliminate bad smells and any encrustations on the bottom simply by using white wine vinegar : pour the wine vinegar into the litter box and let it act for 15 to 30 minutes before emptying the vinegar into the toilet. and rinse the litter box with water.

In case of crusting , use the vinegar after heating it in a saucepan with the help of  a brush or with the toilet brush to scrub the bottom of the litter and try to remove stains and encrustations.

If you don’t like the smell of vinegar, you can use baking soda to clean your cat’s litter box .

Pour three or four tablespoons of baking soda into the bottom of the empty litter box; add a small amount of water and, wearing gloves, rub the resulting paste with a sponge . After a few minutes, rinse everything with hot water and dry with a cotton cloth.

Read also Cleaning the house without detergents? Here’s how to do it >>


Prevent bad smells in the cat litter box

In addition to cleaning the litter box every time it is emptied , there are measures to prevent and contain the formation of bad odors.

For example, the baking soda used to clean the cat litter box can be added to the bottom of the litter box before pouring the sand, to keep odors away between changes.

After pouring the sand into the litter, it is possible to add five to ten drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil , to be renewed every day: the essential oils are very fragrant and have antibacterial action, so they help prevent formation of unpleasant odors.

However, the choice of sand and litter is also important : choosing a litter box with a lid and equipped with an anti-odor filter and quality agglomerating sand , allows you to keep the litter clean for longer and prevent the formation of unpleasant odors. 

For the well-being and hygiene of the animal, every cat should have its own litter box available: unfortunately it is not always possible for space reasons, but it remains essential to promptly eliminate the needs from the litter box or in any case remove it once or twice a day .

Placing the litter box in the bathroom  in a room that is often ventilated  through the regular opening of windows or the turning on of fans, is certainly helpful in preventing unpleasant odors.

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