How to calculate your ideal weight

How to calculate your ideal weight

How to calculate the ideal weight? Often people have a false idea of ​​their ideal weight, and confuse it with the ideal weight . The ideal weight is the weight a person should be at to have a regular BMI, i.e. dividing their weight by height (in meters) squared they should reach a number between 18.5 and 25.

The ideal weight, on the other hand, is more a mental issue: it is the weight that we believe is optimal. For some people it will be less than the ideal weight, for others in line or slightly higher.
The ideal weight must also take into account other parameters: not only the body mass index, but also the value of abdominal obesity and physical conformation. For example, those with an apple-shaped body may have a normal weight, but the fat that concentrates on the abdomen makes them at risk of disease.
The ideal weight, on the other hand, is often arbitrary. It is based on a series of beliefs we have made about our body.

In the first part we first see how to calculate your ideal weight. 

In order not to be mistaken, let’s see more precise formulas than that of the body mass index that can help you calculate your ideal weight.

consider height in addition to gender. 
(Males) ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) – [(height (cm) – 150): 4]
(Females) ideal weight = (height (cm) – 100) – [(height (cm) – 150 ): 2]
A 1.65 meter tall woman has an ideal weight of (165 – 100) – [(165 – 150): 2 = 65 – 7.5 = 57.5 kg

Consider height, weight and age, but not gender.
[(height (cm) – 100) + (age: 10)] x 0.9
A 50-year-old woman always 1.65 tall, would have as an ideal weight at 50:
[(165 – 100) + (50: 10)] x 0.9 = [65 + 5] x 0.9 = 70 x 0.9 = 63 kg.

The most accurate is Lanzola’s formula. We are obviously talking about formulas for calculating the ideal weight that do not take into account your body composition, if for example you have more or less muscle mass. Lanzola’s formula, however, takes into account, through the measurement of the pulse, the anthropometric constitution of the subject .
In other words: if he is slender (long-limbed), robust (short-limbed) or of medium build (normolineo).
Wrist measurement (in centimeters)
Brevilinea> 20
Normolinea ≥ 16 and ≤ 20
Longline <16

Brevilinea> 18
Normolinea ≥ 14 and ≤ 18
Longline <14

Once the pulse is measured, Lanzola’s formula is as follows.
(Height expressed in meters)

Brevilinea (height x 75) – 58.5
Normolinea (height x 75) – 63.5
Longilinea (height x 75) – 69

Brevilinea females
(height x 68) – 51.5 Normolinea (height x 68) – 58
Longline (height x 68) – 61

This formula is the one I prefer if the subject is sedentary or moderately active.

What if I wanted to estimate my IDEAL weight instead?

Let’s see my ideal weight formula.

1) Calculate your ideal weight here . You will get a first number . Or use Lanzola’s formula.

2) Add up the first number with the ideal weight for you, that magic number in which you dream of seeing yourself. 
Divide by two. You will get another number which we will call X.

3) Now take the average between the first number  in point one and your ideal weight  according to a loved one .
Or ask someone: what do you think is my ideal weight?
You will get another number that will be a little higher than yours, and we will call it Y.

4) Take the average from X and Y. The number Z is your ideal weight. 

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