How to burn fat with brown fat

How to burn fat with brown fat

bagnoalfreddoI have already talked to you here about brown fat, or the second type of fat we have in our body as living beings: white fat is what we define as flab and of which if we wanted to lose a kilo we would have to burn about nine thousand calories ; the brown one, on the other hand, which we have to a greater extent when we are small and if we are lean, is a very particular type of fat, not real fat, but a dark pink / brownish fat that allows us to maintain the temperature constant basal rate, making us lose calories (and calories) in cold weather as well as taking action to make us burn more when we regularly introduce calories: this is why the more we eat, the more theoretically our metabolism rises.In short , brown fat is a key element in understanding how to act on our metabolism to lose weight: the leaner a person is, the more brown fat he has; the fatter it is, the more it has white fat, or the common fat, which heats it and isolates it from the cold (this also explains why it has less brown fat). Brown fat can “choose” to convert to white, slowing down our metabolism and providing us with those nice packs of reserve fat that we refer to as extra pounds. Absurd, right? And the terrible thing is that very little is known about how brown fat works, but it has been clear for some years now that it is the key element of our weight loss. You have for example present when you are in the cold, outside, and warn (in addition to the cold)a strange sensation of heat / burning, a kind of thermoreaction to the very cold air ? Well, that feeling is your brown fat activating, causing us to burn calories to maintain body temperature. See that it is through similar tricks that we can understand how brown fat works in our body: this or put a hand in the ice.
If we were able to activate brown fat without suffering the cold , it would be a way to increase our metabolism effortlessly. In this article, I update some techniques to activate brown fat and allow us to burn more.

The obvious and well-known ones are: staying in the cold (without eating sugars as a result!), For example walking in the cold and never covering yourself too much, and preferring a diet based on fat proteins but not carbohydrates so that the body wastes all the sugar and start burning body fat. Here I give you an example of a diet.
Other tricks to burn more by stimulating brown fat:
– eat spicy
– do gymnastics every day so that you feel very hot after the first twenty minutes (aerobics combined with high intensity exercises) and above all prefer outdoor activities if outside it’s cold
– consume cold drinks and not hot if it’s cold
– prefer milk, yogurt and dairy products to aged cheeses
– drink cold water while exercising
– consume more foods containing melatonin (fruit and vegetables, oats, corn and rice, ginger, barley, almonds and seeds)
– try not to stay in rooms that are too heated in winter and summer. dry with a towel immediately after a swim: look for as many opportunities as possible to “shiver” with cold (in moderation). 

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