How many calories are burned during the menstrual cycle?

How many calories are burned during the menstrual cycle?

Why do we feel much more hunger and a greater desire for sweets during and just before the period? What happens to us at the metabolic level? Does the fact that we gain some weight during the cycle mean that we have a slow metabolism?
Let’s try to scientifically answer these curiosities.


In the premenstrual phase, even if we women see each other and feel crap, our metabolism increases . In fact it increases the body temperature and also increases our physical strength.

I know it may sound absurd, as we feel bloated after the middle of the month. But the luteal phase is where women’s metabolism is highest. This has been confirmed by many studies, but it is not clear whether the metabolic increase is due to progesterone, which rises from the luteal phase onwards, until just before the period, or to fluctuations in estrogen.

I personally believe that progesterone raises the body temperature, based on many theories on the pro-metabolic action of this hormone. A 1993 study for example confirms that it is progesterone. 

What is clearly known is that the thyroid hormones have nothing to do with them, which do not undergo variations. Only sex hormones are involved.
Furthermore, although the studies have been carried out on not numerous samples of women, it has been seen that their metabolism rises uniformly both during night rest and as a basal metabolic rate.

Estimating how many calories are burned during the cycle, we are talking about a number from 100 to 300 calories of greater energy expenditure around the third week of the cycle. So to be clear from after ovulation to a few days before your period. It really depends on your ovulation period. There are those who have it from the tenth day and those just before the twentieth.

This explains why we are more irritable, nervous, we tend to crave carbohydrates and very palatable foods between ovulation and menstruation: it is the increased metabolism that does this. During the actual menstruation, however, the metabolism returns lower if not even slightly below average.

So how many calories are burned during the menstrual cycle?

Nothing more than usual, perhaps a little less, since the follicular phase begins from the first day of the cycle onwards. We had the peak of the high metabolism about a week before the actual menstruation. And in fact, experts explain, it is better to go on a diet from the first day of the cycle, when we feel less hunger pangs. While, in the phase in which our metabolism is higher, it is okay to eat more carbohydrates, if anything reducing fat, to support the metabolism: it is not okay, however, to exaggerate with the idea that we are burning more calories. Women typically consume 500 extra calories before their period, with the risk of gaining weight year after year.

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