How do you lose weight? Here are three rules

How do you lose weight? Here are three rules

How do you lose weight? Why are so many people fascinated by new books or wacky methods or ineffective supplements rather than learning the three really simple things that would make them lose weight? Yet they are free and it doesn’t take anything to get there or set them up yourself. What’s the point of trying the shortcuts you don’t know where they’ll take you if the highway, the freeway, is right in front of you? The reason is simple. We must commit ourselves.

The rules are very simple, but you have to commit to following them . And since these are rules that we must self-impose, if the doctor orders them, they seem more sensible to us. Yet all the diets in the world revolve, in one way or another, on these three simple rules. Which, among other things, will not appear new to us, because we have already heard them. I myself will have told you about it dozens of times.
So we even know them, maybe they weren’t related to us in such simple terms, but here and there behind a lot of other words and methods, but we know them. And if we know them, again, why don’t we follow them? 
So first of all, if we want to lose weight, we should seriously ask ourselves if we want to get rid of the ham from our eyes rather than understand how to lose weight and get serious. Doing things as they should be done instead of believing in miracles.
And if we really want to lose weight, let’s make a clean sweep of everything and consider these three fundamental rules. 

1) You need to set a calorie deficit:
I know, there are many, including doctors, who argue that calories do not exist with more or less distorted and imaginative reasoning. That if food translated into calories, therefore heat, then our body would melt, for example. In reality, we are clinging to definitions, hiding the facts. It is a fact that the food we ingest translates into energy, It is a fact that our body does not produce energy by itself: if calories did not exist and food did not convert into some form of energy in our body, we would die. Therefore calories exist, first of all as a unit of measurement and for representative purposes. That there may be better ways to calculate the energy intake of food or that calories are not everything in a diet, both of these things can be argued. Even that, for example, a food corresponds to a caloric estimate and not a precise number is a reasoning that must be done. The body can absorb all or part of those calories. Of course. But we can’t rely on these unknowns and say that calories don’t exist at all. We can instead, without reducing it to myth, consider that food gives us energy: call it energy and not calories, if you want, we are always there. And that if this energy is too much compared to what we burn, the energy is stored in the form of deposits. Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. consider that food gives us energy: call it energy and not calories, if you want, we are always there. And that if this energy is too much compared to what we burn, the energy is stored in the form of deposits. Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. consider that food gives us energy: call it energy and not calories, if you want, we are always there. And that if this energy is too much compared to what we burn, the energy is stored in the form of deposits. Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed.Once swallowed, food is transformed into energy, if we do not use the energy, it is converted into extra pounds. 
Many diets that claim they are NOT based on calorie intake limit it anyway: since nobody likes to count calories, finding a diet where they tell you that calories don’t matter is cool. People take the bait. But the calorie-disregarding diet actually takes into account portions, determines which foods are yes and which foods are not, and even how and when and in what combination to eat them. When it would be easier to say: guys, you need to establish a calorie deficit. Or you move more. or eat less. To figure out how many calories to eat, I use a little trick.

Take a calorie calculator and calculate your daily calorie requirement for your current weight.
Then calculate the daily calorie requirement for your target weight, the one you want to achieve. If the difference is more than 300 calories, for example 500 or 700 calories, you should set your weight loss in two steps. In the first, cut only 10 or 15 percent of your daily calories and at the same time choose a physical activity to do. This is for the first 3 or 4 months. After that, you can cut it by another 10 percent, until you reach the desired weight.
I remind you of another thing, the most common mistake: it is better to burn more calories with a more active lifestyle or with a workout that aims at a better body recomposition (therefore more muscle mass) than not continuing a regimen for months. low calorie. This is to avoid weight stall and slow metabolism

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