How Bach flowers work

How Bach flowers work

It seems that Bach flowers do not have chemical components, but then how do they act in our body?

Health Answers

Ilenia Frittoli

Hello, flower remedies, as you rightly say, do not contain chemical molecules, and therefore many people ask me your own question, flower essences are vibrational remedies, they act as wave frequency modulators. The water in which the essence is diluted puts the vibration of the flower in resonance with that of the subject’s energy field, the vibration of the flower being of higher harmonic quality, balances the disharmonious vibration of the suffering or sick person. Flower remedies rebalance mind and body, their action is not allopathic, therefore they do not act as fast as a common medicine, it takes time and perseverance, the treatments can last even months, this depends on our ability to let ourselves go, to listen to the messages that our soul sends us, not always listening to our rational part, which perhaps persists in wanting to continue along the old path, without, however, listening to new desires that arise, or new interests that arise. I conclude by telling you that flower essences, if taken correctly, are real healing tools, if you want, I also invite you to visit my blog. Cordial greetings.


Marialetizia Nigro

Good evening! As the colleague said, Bach flowersthey act on our body on an emotional-energetic level. In Dr. Bach’s method of Remedies, each of the 38 flowers corresponds positively to a “negative” emotion, be it fear, pain, stress, jealousy and so on. The concept is that, when the person is ill from an emotional point of view and even physical over time, it is because there is no longer harmony between mind, soul and body, the person is acting inconsistently with his real way. of being and some negative emotions take over in her. By choosing the suitable Bach Flower or Flowers, which correspond positively to the emotions presented by the subject, the positive and “healthy” part of the person is strengthened, bringing it back into harmony. All this on an emotional, energetic level. For example,Mimulus , which increases courage. The jealous child of his little brother / sister could be given Holly, which increases love at the expense of jealousy. And so on. Although it is a system based on simplicity, Bach flowers are the right key to “healing” for many people who are dissatisfied with their daily reality and who find the courage to change. Generally, if chosen appropriately, the first results can already be seen within three to four weeks, especially in the case of “acute” and sudden emotional situations, for long-established problems it could take much longer. Children respond very well to the remedies and the effects are usually seen in a short time. Bach flowers can also be seen as a tool to carry out a path of personal evolution. For more information you can consult my blog. Thanks for the attention


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