Homeopathy for children

Homeopathy for children

What are homeopathic remedies and the most effective treatments capable of acting on ailments that commonly affect children

Homeopathy for children

The homeopathic remedy

Homeopathy (from homòios , similar, and pàthos , disease) aims to treat symptoms or diseases with infinitesimal doses of substances that in higher doses would cause the same disorders or diseases in healthy subjects (” Similia similibus curantur “). Homeopathic remedies tend to respect the body, not by eliminating the symptom, but rather by stimulating the individual to overcome the disease by strengthening the constitution. Homeopathic substances for therapeutic purposes are 70% of vegetable origin, but there are also substances of animal and mineral origin. They are all subjected to  dilution  and shaking , to eliminate the toxicological properties, while enhancing their therapeutic ones. 

The homeopath prescribes the remedy based on the different psychophysical characteristics for each patient. This implies listening and a human approach towards the person, and not only towards the disease, as often happens with traditional medicine.

This is the most important benefit of the homeopathic approach. The dispute between homeopathy and traditional medicine is resolved in the unscientific nature of homeopathic remedies, attributable to the placebo effect  and the question of the interest of pharmaceutical companies is often called into question. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of homeopathy leads to many people disappointed with conventional medical treatments. This is true for adults. Today the interest of mothers and fathers in homeopathy for children is growing. We understand better what it is.


Read also How homeopathy works >>


Homeopathy for children

Homeopathy for children is a hotly debated topic. If it is true that the natural remedy is controlled and that, as the opponents say, it is attributable only to the placebo effect, there remains the risk for the child relating to the suspension of traditional medical therapy. According to some studies, children who opted for homeopathy then had serious problems. According to other studies, and other points of view, homeopathy is harmless and cannot be linked to these problems.

But why should children’s homeopathy be so effective? The child’s organism has a very pure reactivity of the immune system and consequently is very sensitive to any stimulus. Having never used too many allopathic drugs, the child’s organism is pure and reactive. Here the homeopathic remedy seems to work, stimulating the body’s natural self-healing process.

What heals? In children, homoepathy frequently addresses dermatitis, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite , sleep disturbances, inflammations such as sore throat , stomach ache, hay fever and constipation.

How are homeopathic medicines taken? Drops, syrups, tablets and the so-called ‘globules’, sugar spheres impregnated with a homeopathic solution to be dissolved under the tongue. 


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