Homeopathy, description and use
Homeopathy, not without arousing controversy, is a so-called alternative therapy that would be able to solve various ailments without side effects. Although many people resort to homeopathy claiming to benefit from it, to date homeopathic therapy is not recognized among the conventional ones and its effectiveness is not proven. Here’s how it works.

Homeopathy aims to treat symptoms and diseases with  remedies that respect the body , stimulating the individual to overcome the disease rather than eliminate the symptom. Let’s find out better.
- What is homeopathy
- What principles is homeopathy based on?
- Does homeopathy work?
- For whom homeopathy is useful
- Homeopathy in children
- Contraindications of homeopathy
- Side effects of homeopathy
- The law in Italy and abroad
- Curiosities about homeopathy
What is homeopathy
Homeopathy is an alternative therapy that uses herbal, mineral and animal preparations diluted in water to treat various ailments.
Also known as gentle medicine, homeopathy was invented by the German doctor Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann in the second half of the eighteenth century. After experimenting with quinine , Hahnemann became convinced of the therapeutic potential of very diluted doses of the homeopathic remedy capable of working on the life force that dominates the material body.
Today, homeopathy enjoys wide acceptance among the population around the world even if its effectiveness has not yet been proven and is not recognized.
Read also  the interview with Claudia De Rosa on homeopathic medicine as a vocation
What principles is homeopathy based on?
Homeopathy (from the Greek ” homòios “, similar, and ” pà thos “, disease) aims to treat symptoms or diseases with infinitesimal doses of substances which, at higher doses, would cause the same disorders or diseases in healthy subjects. In fact, at the basis of homeopathy we find the principle according to which ” similia similibus curantur “, or “like cures like”.
Homeopathic remedies are mainly obtained from vegetable raw materials, but also from minerals and animals. After extraction they are diluted in water, mixed and diluted again several times. Once the suitable dilution is reached , the starting active principle has practically disappeared but, according to the supporters of homeopathy, traces of it remain in the water according to a principle known as “water memory”.
Homeopathic treatments do not aim to eliminate the symptom, but rather to stimulate the individual to overcome the disease, strengthening the organism and triggering a self-healing process.
Does homeopathy work?
Although many people resort to homeopathy for benefits, to date homeopathic therapy is not recognized among the conventional ones and its effectiveness is not proven .
The homeopathic medicine , in fact, does not contain active ingredients capable of generating a response within the organism.
Most likely, homeopathy works due to the placebo effect and also thanks to the doctor’s approach to the patient and to the patient’s awareness path.
In fact, the homeopathic doctor generally has a different approach towards the patient: instead of prescribing a drug, he asks questions, listens to the patient’s needs and recommends personalized remedies and therapies. This, combined with the placebo effect associated with taking a drug, probably helps the person to solve physical problems that substantially depend on emotional problems.
For whom  homeopathy is useful
Homeopathy is used to treat various ailments including respiratory, skin, digestive and genitourinary diseases, endocrine and nutritional diseases, osteroarticular pains, cardiovascular problems, insomnia, depression.
Generally speaking, homeopathy can be useful when the disorder derives from an emotional distress that affects the body. It can be very useful, for example, to take advantage of homeopathy for anxiety and mood disorders, which can reduce immune defenses, reduce pain tolerance, interfere with digestion and sleep or lead to manifestations of different types such as tachycardia, muscle and joint pain, headache, constipation.
Homeopathy in children
Homeopathy works on adults but also on children and babies and even on animals.
Compared to other therapies, the main advantage of a homeopathic treatment is that it does not have particular contraindications and side effects.
Contraindications of homeopathy
Homeopathy has no particular contraindications. The only risk associated with this therapy is that, in case of serious illness, it is used as a substitute for conventional therapies , delaying healing.
Side effects of homeopathy
Homeopathic medicines are free from side effects.
Who is the homeopath and what does he do
The law in Italy and abroad
In Italy, homeopathy is not recognized among conventional therapies , as is the case in other countries, where this alternative therapy is sometimes integrated into the national health system.
Despite this, homeopathic medicines can only be sold in pharmacies by prescription. The homeopath is in fact a licensed doctor, often specialized in homeopathy.
Curiosities about homeopathy
Since the time of Hahnemann there have been opposing homeopathic schools , warring about particular aspects relating to the technique of administering the remedies. The most important homeopathic addresses are five :
- Unicism
- Pluralism
- Complexism
- Homotoxicology
- Eclecticism.
Other articles on homeopathy:
Homeopathy: the most frequently asked questions
Becoming a homeopath: training, approach and practice of homeopathy
The science and efficacy of homeopathy
Homeopathic anti-inflammatories: what they are and how to use them
Homeopathy, Aifa approves new products
How homeopathy works
Unicist homeopathy, what it is
Homeopathy, how it works
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