Homeopathic treatments to cure anxiety and depression I suffer from
Hi, my name is Giovanni, I am looking for homeopathic treatments, but where I live in Teramo there are no doctors, I don’t know where to contact. I suffer from mild depression which brings me sadness, low mood, apathy and seeing everything negative, I suffer from generalized anxiety and insomnia , I cannot sleep, my mind is walking and my emotions and I wake up early in the morning, unable to go back to sleep … what do you recommend, please answer me it’s important, thank you.
Health Answers

I believe your concern is correct. Finding a good homeopath is not very easy and the remedy cannot be separated from at least sufficient knowledge of the patient; vice versa, even the homeopathic remedy becomes a drug like the others. While deepening your research personally as a NATUROPATH and Psychotherapist I can show you the way of Massage and the use of essential oils combined as a valid alternative. Personally I am testing it in situations inaccessible to psychotherapy (by patient’s choice) with excellent results. Recently I have treated panic syndromes and cases of high levels of anxiety related to the need to face very invasive treatments such as chemotherapy. If you think you want to know more, don’t hesitate to contact them through this site.

Dearest, the emotional disturbances you are talking about in your email are resolved with the will to get out of it and working on yourself, on the aspects of our life or on our “personality” and experiences that disturb us, making us suffer and creating the ailments of which, she complains. Of course, herbal remedies, and homeopathy, as well as Bach flowers help and can be a valid support, but do not underestimate the true origin of his ailments which in this way are only lightened or buffered immediately but in the long run. , if underestimated they could come back and appear even stronger. Do yoga, meditate, get help with bio energy. I am not convinced that where she lives there is no one who can help her in this respect. Rather, contact some online professionals, it is not the same thing but it is better than abandoning oneself to oneself. Courage! Cinzia zedda naturopath-reflexologist-mindfulness
Hello, I remind you that the prescription of classic homeopathic, homotoxicological and phytotherapeutic remedies is a sanitary act reserved to the competence and responsibility of the duly trained surgeon! as required by the State / Regions agreement of 7 February 2013, which should be known and respected by all health professionals, given the possible repercussions on the health of patients. This presupposes an anamnesic / diagnostic evaluation of the person from which the most suitable therapy is then deduced. Greetings
Dear Mr. Giovanni, whatever type of remedies he wishes to rely on, it would always be preferable not to ignore a live interview. Each of us is an inseparable set of mind, emotions and body, at least, depression, low mood, insomnia, etc. are symptoms that have specific causes for each individual, it is important, I would say decisive, to check his before being able to elect a cure. Even the correctly prescribed flower therapy leads to the gentle and progressive emergence of the problems that cause him discomfort, but it is essential to carry out an interview in person. With my best wishes for an effective resolution of his inconveniences.

Dear Giovanni, I am totally against the online prescriptions proposed by colleagues. I think good advice is essential before coming to conclusions. There are many homeopathic and flower therapy products, but it is essential to understand primarily what his discomfort is linked to. I invite you to consult a specialist primarily. Furthermore, since I too am from Abruzzo, I can confirm the presence of multifunctional centers that could be useful to you. Dr. Serena Congiu serenacongiu.it
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