Holistic Stretching and Movement Management
LIVE SINGING AND THINK DANCING in the gymnastics of the soul that expresses itself through the body.
When I devised this method several years ago, I combined two words: Holistic Stretching. This terminology contains the philosophy of my whole life and my studies. Beyond the two terms, it is precisely in this PHILOSOPHY of the movement that the originality of this PER – COURSE, which comes out of the schemes and habits, resides.

By combining the different experiences gained in the fields of body movement, voice management (as a singer), classical dance (Royal Academy graduate teacher), active music listening and the practice of holistic disciplines, I have created a method that listens to language body, teaching the practitioner to recognize the signs, useful tools for a good life .
With the practice of this discipline the daily contingencies of existence and its rhythms will be managed with greater serenity and ease and, by improving communication with himself, the student will also improve his relationship with the outside world.
It is a method that is an anti-method, that is, it trains you to experience the creativity of movement in the cycle of the seasons , unhinging the behavioral automatisms that draw the posture vices of the body and consequently the rigidity created by the emotional armor of the emotions in dissonance. . The practice is a complete workout that aims to direct the movement in a drive that leads from the inside to the outside.
Contaminations from dance
Coming from dance, I learned that it is not simply a set of steps, a technique, a discipline, but it is a harmonious stretch that makes the body fluid and elastic. Dancing while doing Stretching makes the word “Holistic” caress .
A movement arises from within to manifest its essence through the physical structure of gestures. Read in this key, every gesture becomes the bearer of a meaning , which embodies a state of mind, drawing conscious attention to the fundamental need of the individual to be recognized and listened to, since the body speaks.
Exercises in gestural communication, posture control , voice and movement make this course a useful and fun tool to free creativity and direct the student towards the authenticity of bodily expression, helping him to feel good in and with his body, by learning a method that is completely detached from the iron discipline linked to exams and performances , which often cause stress and a sense of inadequacy, as well as from the setting of gymnastics courses, in which movement is intended as an outlet or channeling of the ‘power.
Holistic stretching
Based on the Holistic Stretching® method, students learn to express their inner world through body movement, vocal expression and attentive and conscious listening to musical instruments at the service of the organ dimension.
This is combined with the learning of massage techniques, self-massage and music listening management, with the topical use of some Bach flower remedies .
In this course, moreover, you will also learn how to use the voice to unlock the body segments linked to the different organs of the body which, in the negative phase, cause annoying and disabling problems, such as neck pain, low back pain, back pain and poor digestion.
The visualizations, the free breathing practices, the exercises of body mediation and creative movement, as well as relaxation and distension, favor the improvement of negative states such as anxiety, insomnia, nervous hunger, to regain well-being, vitality and psycho-physical harmony , relieving not only the soul, but also the body, letting go of a few extra pounds.
Why not? To please you must first like yourself.
In the pentagram of existence, whether we like it or not, we move, good or bad; we have to do it, it is the Great Mother Earth with her slow happening that imposes it on us. Age is a personal data, but time is a symbol of change . Over the years, sometimes, without realizing it, night after day, we delimit our path, forgetting to compose our days in a new way, thus abdicating freedom of expression in the name of the quiet, but very boring, automatic habit. Here … that’s where we age.
Curiosity and playfulness are ingredients of lasting well-being.
Holistic Stretching® emphasizes the recovery and maintenance of the elasticity of movements and the functionality of the joints to improve posture and body alignment.
The practices of natural breath-action and energy recharge help to keep the mind-body balance ‘young’Â , to regain well-being, vitality and psycho-physical harmony, which are the secret to a fulfilling life.
“Move with spontaneous simplicity in the dance of life, without the heavy encumbrance of whys …
Slip lightly, now students, now teachers, now young people … now wise … now children … always BEING IN BECOME, fruit trees in the garden of life “: this means breathing action.
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