History of lightning diets: here’s how they influenced us

History of lightning diets: here’s how they influenced us

fad-diets-1Why do so many disposable diets come out every year? This question would be enough to make us understand how diets are an incredible business: if a weight loss diet were effective in one hundred percent of cases, we would not need a new diet at all, because not only would we have already lost weight, but we would not have regained weight. Instead there are millions of diets, and even the people who write on them and run the business are not exactly health champions: some are even overweight, apart from bodybuilders: there are millions of people who go on a diet, they lose weight and then get it back. But the worst thing is that the more I document about diets, the more I realize that over the years everything is said and the opposite of everything.. If this throws me into confusion and leaves me full of doubts, what happens to other people?
Just take a look at this history of lightning diets to understand how there are too many bells, and none of this tip to healthy eating and a balanced diet. People are fond of fast diets, explains this article . They do diets as if it were a hobby, becoming fatter and fatter over time.

 We started dieting in 1825, when Brillat-Savarin first introduced the concept of a reduced carbohydrate diet.
1830 : the first high-fiber diet is born, by Graham, the foreign inventor of Graham crackers. 1863: An Englishman named William Banting returns to talk about the low-carb diet, but high in fat (it is the first ketogenic diet). 1903 : the fashion of chewing food up to 32 times to improve digestion and lose weight is born. 1917 : Los Angeles physicist Lulu Hunt Peters introduces the concept of a low-calorie diet for the first time with a book by her. 1925:

the cigarette diet was born, which thanks to nicotine make you lose weight.
1928: the Inuit diet is born: caribou meat, raw fish and whale fat are eaten to lose weight.
1930: Grapefruit diet and liquid diet are born. The first is that if you want to lose weight you have to eat a grapefruit with every meal.
1934: the banana and skimmed milk diet is born, promoted by the United Fruit Co. 1950 : the cabbage soup diet is born, a kind of minestrone diet. 1960 : the macrobiotic diet is born, based on whole grains and sprouts. 1961: the weight watchers diet is born
a certain Robert Cameron launches the drinker’s diet, in which alcohol is drunk to lose weight.
1975: The first biscuit diet and the first biscuit-based meal replacement by an American doctor is born. The Cookie diet still exists.
1976: the Sleeping Beauty diet is born. You go to bed for days with sleeping pills, so you don’t eat. Elvis Presley did too.
1981 : the Beverly Hills diet is born, on food combinations. From here we start to say that fruit should be eaten between meals.
1985: the caveman’s diet was born, similar to the current paleodieta.
1990: Vegetarian and Mediterranean diets become the most popular health diets.
1994:the Atkins diet is born, and carbohydrates are once again the number one enemy
1995: the Zone diet is born, and the first sugar-free diet: now sugar is the number one enemy.
1996: the first diet of the blood group of Peter J. D’Adamo (later indicted) was born: the diet of Dr. Mozzi was born from this.
2000 : the raw food diet boomed.
2003: the South Beach diet is born and refined foods end up on the blacklist
2010: the Paleo diet returns

Of course, the list goes on: intermittent fasting, Dukan diet and so on.
Do you know what has happened all this time? 
Simple. People, including Italians, have become fatter . How is that possible, given that weight loss diets have increased over time?
Perhaps that is also the reason.

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