High blood pressure, what to do to prevent it

High blood pressure, what to do to prevent it

Hypertension is asymptomatic and is the main reason we notice we suffer from it when it is too late. We periodically check blood pressure values ​​and work to ensure that our lifestyle and diet do not impact on this risk factor for our health.

High blood pressure, what to do to prevent it

High blood pressure is a very common risk factor in these modern times. Stress, hectic life, age, hormonal changes, cholesterol, water retention, pregnancy can be life conditions that affect blood pressure and there are apparently unmotivated changes in systolic and diastolic pressure.

Can we prevent high blood pressure?

The answer is yes! Hypertension is a risk factor that if we lead a life with incorrect habits sooner or later it presents the bill.

Smoking, spirits, diet with junk, fried, fatty foods, a stressful and hectic lifestyle, little daily hydration with low-sodium water, are habits that over time send our health into a tailspin, above all the pressure.

So, starting by eating healthy , drinking plenty of water, practicing sports and not smoking , sets the stage for a very important initial prevention.

High pressure? Walking walking walking

Walking should become everyone’s mantra! The brisk walk is an exercise that establishes a virtuous circle of well-being. It tones the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, fights high blood pressure , the accumulation of cholesterol, triglycerides, regenerates the excretory organs, helps to free us from toxins, keeps us flexible and fit.

So walk, walk, walk with a pressing step, accompanied by rhythmic breathing. After nutrition, hydration and a correct lifestyle, constant physical activity is an indispensable “lifesaver”.

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High pressure? Help from nature

There are natural remedies such as phytocomplexes and mineral salts that help keep high blood pressure under control . They are considered adaptogens , which regulate blood pressure values ​​by modulating them almost in a tailor-made way.

What does it mean? That if we do not suffer from hypertension or hypotension, but simply have temporary pressure changes due to heat, a period of stress, conditions of temporary anxiety, we can help ourselves with these modulators :

> Polygonum Cuspidatum : the polygon is a perennial herbaceous plant whose roots are used. It is renowned for its high intake of resveratrol to counteract cholesterol. It has the property of controlling and modulating blood pressure, particularly indicated in those who show the first symptoms of possible hypertension.

It is used in prevention of cardiovascular diseases, in case of hypercholesterolemia, for gastrointestinal diseases. It has an antioxidant and cardioprotective action. It counteracts platelet aggregation, lowers blood pressure because it induces vasodilation, protects the myocardium. We find it in dry extract, in convenient capsules to be taken 1 or 2 times a day, the recommended daily dose is 20.6 mg.

> Magnesium : an indispensable mineral, a friend of well-being. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant  and the heart is a muscle! It helps to lower blood pressure, improve muscle and joint condition, as well as the nervous system.

> Potassium : associated with Magnesium, it has a hypotensive action, helps diuresis and the dispersion of excess potassium through the urine. It is possible to use potassium for short purifying cycles and then replace it with an appropriate diet.

In a condition of worrying and already well-defined hypertension, we can assist the doctor’s treatment with some remedies with innate hypotensive properties :

> Hawthorn : it is useful in cases of hypertension due to anxiety, insomnia, but also in the presence of arrhythmias. Hawthorn  has a coronary vasodilating action .

> Sea Buckthorn : in addition to controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels, it also has a hypotensive action through diuresis and vasodilation.

Standard blood pressure values

Blood pressure includes standard parameters that allow the doctor to evaluate the condition of our cardiovascular system. It is measured in millimeters of mercury and informs if you are within an optimal, acceptable range or, on the contrary, if you are heading towards a hypertensive or hypotensive problem.

Two values ​​are considered: the systolic pressure, commonly defined as maximum and the diastolic pressure, otherwise called minimum. How to check high or low blood pressure? With a simple detection tool that we can buy in pharmacies with digital reading, or with a phonendoscope and sphygmomanometer, used by the doctor.

Blood pressure should be between 130 mmHg and 85 mmHg, without going into the details of age, gender.

Between 90/60 the pressure condition is clearly low, but bearable, between 140/90 it starts to show some peaks to keep under control, beyond these values ​​we talk about hypertension . High blood pressure becomes dangerous when the maximum reaches 160 mmHg and above and the minimum reaches 100 mmHg and above.

High blood pressure, what symptoms?

In healthy subjects it is difficult to check the blood pressure periodically, if not usually when you go to the doctor. Often hypertension is completely asymptomatic, however there are manifestations that must turn on some alarm bells to verify the condition.

So how do you know if your blood pressure is high? Feeling very hot, even when not due to atmospheric conditions, feeling a constant circle in the head, feeling a sensation of both visual and mental fog, dizziness, ringing in the ear, nausea , can be signs to investigate and the measurement of blood pressure is the first step.

High blood pressure and metabolic syndrome

When does high blood pressure become dangerous? We must first of all realize that hypertension is an indicator, a marker as they say in the medical field, which warns us in case we are facing the so-called  metabolic syndrome , a serious and dangerous condition for the cardiovascular system.

If this marker is co-present with high cholesterol , high triglycerides, or abdominal obesity or high blood sugar, even when fasting, then we are in a high risk area! This means that we will have to run for cover by adopting a personalized diet, abolish smoking and alcohol and follow a careful pharmacological treatment formulated by the treating cardiologist. 


High blood pressure and gestosis

Unfortunately , blood pressure can rise for quite different reasons during pregnancy . In particular conditions, such that the placenta is incomplete or incomplete, hypertensive peaks occur, dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. It is often associated with a loss of protein through diuresis and is referred to as gestosis .

There are various forms of pregnancy hypertension and sometimes they can add up to each other, with very risky results. It is therefore important to prevent, keep yourself under control before pregnancy and, if necessary, take care for a while , to prevent thromboembolism, cerebral haemorrhages, placental abruption

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