High blood pressure: what to do?
Here are some suggestions on what to do to lower high blood pressure: diet, herbal teas, exercise and natural supplements for everyone!

Headaches, eyestrain, buzzing, dizziness … There are many people who find themselves having to deal with high blood pressure every day .
Due to the rhythms of life that society imposes, due to genetic factors or bad habits: the number of people suffering from hypertension is increasing , a nuisance that often prevents you from living your day peacefully and can catch you unprepared for facing strange symptoms.
Here are some tips on how to control high blood pressure and lower it naturally .
Natural remedies for high blood pressure
- Hawthorn and passionflower . The substances contained in hawthorn help to lower blood pressure, exerting a good hypotensive and sedative action, especially in those people characterized by hyperactivity of the nervous system . It is recommended to drink a couple of hawthorn-based herbal teas a day. Passionflower helps to calm anxiety , palpitations and irregular heartbeats. Particularly indicated in cases of high pressure resulting from menopause, such as hawthorn, passionflower can also be consumed in herbal tea and infusion , using all the dried aerial parts.
- Tea or karkadè . A recent American research would have shown a moderate hypotensive action linked to the consumption of herbal tea with karkadè or hibiscus flowers  (at least three cups a day); even tea, in particular black tea , which was once referred to as coffee as the enemy of high blood pressure, according to a recent Australian study, would be beneficial for blood pressure, it would be enough not to consume more than three cups a day.
- Olive tree . The hypocholesterolemic and antisclerotic leaves have a good diuretic action. Ideal for those who are a little over the years. The bud extract is recommended .
- Mistletoe . Mistletoe is another plant that can regulate the cardiovascular system very well. It is used a lot in case of atherosclerosis and angina and to improve cerebral circulation. Also very useful for increasing diuresis. Mistletoe can be taken, always under the supervision of a specialist, drops of mother tincture .
- Garlic . This is the first food you hear about in case of high blood pressure. In fact, allicin and other substances present reduce platelet aggregation, avoiding clots and therefore thrombi. Consuming garlic constantly in your diet is already a good thing, if you think it necessary, after consulting a doctor or a specialist, you can also include natural garlic supplements .
Learn about other natural remedies for high blood pressure
High blood pressure: diet and lifestyle
Diet . We always talk about food, this time to be avoided in case of high blood pressure : no to salt , not only that in purity, but also what is found in industrial or packaged products. No to processed foods, sausages, pickles, olives, baked goods containing monosodium glutamate; no to sauces and dips or ready-made sauces.
Get used to and learn to use lots of natural spices and seasonings instead of salt. Similarly, refined carbohydrates, sugars, sweets, carbonated drinks, limited coffee (no more than three cups a day) should be avoided. Prefer a vegetarian diet, more vegetables and whole grain fibers, and a type of light cooking with steam cooking. Obviously no smoking and alcohol.
As for habits and rhythms of life, trying to rest well and following practices that help relaxation, such as yoga , can only help those suffering from high blood pressure, especially for those who suffer the negative effects during periods of increased stress.
Breathe deeply, meditate, indulge in a hot bath every now and then with relaxing essential oils, such as lavender or rose essential oil, help to regulate the pressure.
Regularly engaging in physical activities that lower the level of stress or nervous tension is important, such as swimming or running or the aforementioned yoga. Remember that even just thirty minutes of walking every now and then give well-being and balance to the mind, heart and body.
When the pressure is defined as high
A person has hypertension or has high blood pressure when the minimum blood pressure (diastolic hypertension) “constantly” exceeds the value of 90 mmHg and the maximum blood pressure (systolic hypertension) “constantly” exceeds the value of 140 mmHg .
Specifying “constantly” is important, because during the day the pressure can undergo considerable variations , linked to various factors, such as: the time of the day in which it is measured – it is generally higher in the morning and in the late afternoon -, nutrition, physical activity, emotional state and age. Preventing or treating hypertension means preventing one of the worst consequences associated with it, namely stroke, which can invalidate the person, if not even lead to death.
In summary, the main things to do and keep in mind to lower blood pressure are: thin the blood and improve circulation , promote and stimulate diuresis, strengthen the walls of the vessels.
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