Herbal products for sleeping: how to choose
What are the most suitable herbal products to sleep well and how to choose them

Do you find it hard to fall asleep lately , or do you wake up at dawn and then can’t go back to sleep again, even if you feel tired and exhausted? You are in good company: 12 million Italians share sleep disorders , according to AIMS (Italian Association for Sleep Medicine).
They are often associated with anxiety and stress , excess fatigue or excessive worry, more or less conscious. There are those who resort to melatonin, which can however have non-negligible side effects , especially due to its prolonged use and without medical evaluation. Furthermore, melatonin can be useful in the specific case of jet-lag, but it is far less effective if the disturbed sleep is due to stress and nervous tension.
Fortunately, there are several ways to fall asleep , as well as techniques and natural remedies to sleep well that you can immediately take a cue from. Mother Nature also offers us very effective natural solutions, but before buying a herbalist’s shop for sleeping it is necessary to pay particular attention to three factors:
> The most effective ingredients
> Type of plant extracts
>Â Capsules and bottles
The most effective plants
Yes, it is true, a nice warm chamomile before going to sleep can promote relaxation. But when we need something more effective, we can turn to natural supplements based on plant extracts that are much more active in inducing deep sleep , such as: Valerian, Escolzia, Passiflora, Hops, Lime and Hawthorn .
Surely Valerian is one of the most effective plants for sleep , and it is equally true that it is preferable to choose supplements that exploit the synergy of several plants together, rather than the single-ingredient: when the action of related plants is integrated together they are more effective than when they are alone.
Type of plant extracts
You have found a herbal product for sleeping that combines two or three of these plants: great, but also pay attention to how these plants are present, carefully reading the ingredients list ! In fact, for each supplement, it is not only what it contains, but also HOW it contains the plant extracts. Here are the different forms in which a plant can be present, with great difference in effectiveness:
- PULVERIZED PLANT – it is the lower quality, since there is no guarantee of the presence of the active ingredient; on the label it is indicated among the ingredients in this way: eg. Valerian powder
- DRY EXTRACT  – certain presence of an active ingredient; on the label it is indicated among the ingredients in this way: eg. Valerian dry extract 1: 4
- TITRATED DRY EXTRACT  – high content of active ingredients, in a certain, constant and well-defined presence, therefore the most effective; on the label it is indicated among the ingredients in this way: eg. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) root es tit. 0.8% ac. valerenici
 Capsules and bottles of sleep products
A truly natural, quality product is not preserved in plastic, but in pharmaceutical grade dark glass. Also pay attention to the capsule: often even herbal products use capsules of animal origin, because they are less expensive! The vegetarian capsules are identical at first glance, but easier to digest and are indicated in the ingredient list as follows: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose capsule .
A 100% natural, fast-acting supplement
The 100% natural solution from Salugea is highly effective: Serena Notte is a supplement based on titrated dry extracts of Valerian, Escolzia, Hops and Linden , in vegetarian capsules and pharmaceutical grade dark glass bottles with protective safeguard.
Two capsules a day are enough, before going to sleep, and the effectiveness can be seen from the first night: it improves the duration and quality of your rest, without creating addiction or addiction. You can find this product to facilitate sleep in herbal medicine, or buy it directly online at salugea.com .
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