Healthy Italian nutrition according to the guidelines
Healthy Italian food, and therefore also Mediterranean. What are its principles?
Are you sure you know how to set up a balanced diet?
In this article we will see:
– the guidelines of Crea for a healthy Italian diet
– the daily requirement and macronutrients, fiber and water
– a dietary scheme of healthy eating for a woman, from 1700 calories
- Check your weight and stay active at all times
- More cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables
- Fats: yes to quality, but limit the quantities
- Sugars, sweets and sugary drinks can be consumed within the right limits
- Drink plenty of water every day
- Better a little salt (with the help of spices and fresh or dried aromatic herbs)
- Drink moderate amounts of alcohol (one glass of wine for a woman, maximum two for a man)
- Vary your choices at the table often
- The diet can be customized according to subjective and health needs
- Food safety depends on you: hygiene in cleaning and storing food
Men: up to 2600 daily calories for moderately active subjects
Women: up to 2100 daily calories for moderately active subjects
According to age, constitution, sex and activity, needs change
Food distributed in 5 daily meals, of which
breakfast: 20% daily calories
snack: 5% daily calories
lunch: 35% daily calories
snack: 10% daily calories
dinner: 30% daily calories
Macronutrients for a healthy diet:
carbohydrates: from 45 to 60%
lipids: from 20 to 35%, of which less than 10% saturated
proteins: 0.8 grams per kg of body weight
fiber: 25 grams minimum per day
water: two liters on average
Let’s look at a 1700 calorie diet plan for a woman who wants to keep fit and lose little weight if moderately active or stay her weight if sedentary on page two
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