Healthy and tasty food without too many calories

Healthy and tasty food without too many calories

Healthy food!

How many times have you heard of it?

Unfortunately, however, food, the most nutritious one, is also very rich in calories.

For this reason I am here to talk to you about healthy and tasty foods that do not have many calories, in fact.

Foods that should be part of a personalized diet

Healthy foods , therefore, but at the same time nutritious that you can include in your diet to make it tastier.

Chicken breast

Index Article

Chicken breast is what is generally considered lean meat.

But what does lean meat actually mean?

In the first place this means low fat and while fat itself is not a bad thing as I already wrote to you in the article promoting the right fat high fat diets by comparing them to low carbohydrate ones, meats that are a low fat are great because they are almost entirely protein.

The benefits of proteins  are certainly many, let’s first talk about how good they are for our muscles .

And muscles are definitely important because muscles increase our metabolism and therefore we burn more calories!

In fact, each muscle burns at rest from 6 to 10 calories in an hour. Muscle  burns  excess calories even while sitting.

Furthermore, eating proteins and linking this to good physical activity does nothing but lose weight.


We can consider proteins good for weight loss but it is not only that. Proteins are  building blocks for our body.  On top of that, protein is great for everything bone, cartilage, skin which are all connective tissues that are needed to keep joints strong. Protein is also a building block for your blood, making sure that important nutrients are transported where they need to go, as well as your enzymes and hormones, which serve a lot of important things in your body by doing. so that different systems work properly – from the immune system to your digestive system! Proteins are also critical for the  thermogenesis effect they have on our metabolism, so let’s say that a dish containing a protein of 700 calories will never be 700 calories because the protein will have burned some of it itself! Cute, isn’t it?

On top of that, chicken breast has more than 84%  protein in it! Moreover, this fantastic element can also be cooked in a thousand million different and all good ways, you know it too!



Do you like having breakfast? On the other hand, it is the  most important meal of the day.  Also because if you don’t eat breakfast it is clear that you will tend to  overeat.  In short, if you do not have breakfast then you will stay all day eating crap like snacks and unhealthy things. Instead, starting on the right foot and with a protein is what you need. We always go back to the same argument for which thermogenesis also applies to eggs so we start burning calories in the early morning. Eggs are exceptional, each egg has an average  of 6 grams of protein. Eggs are also low in calories, and have tons of healthy fats. You heard right, let’s talk about healthy fats. See, not all fat is bad for you. Healthy fats, such as those found in eggs (and other foods, which we’ll talk about later), are filling you up doing you as good as protein! Combining the two together while eating less is the best thing to do!

The egg is good for everything: for the  skin, hair, eyes, bones and muscles. Egg yolk, where there is more fat, is also healthy fat, you can eat it. Whole eggs are the best way if you want to get all the benefits associated with eggs. Which not only include protein and fat, but also six different vitamins (A, B2, B5, B12, D, and E, if you were wondering), iron (very important for healthy blood), iodine (helps the thyroid ), biotin (hair, skin and immune system health), choline (metabolism and liver function), folic acid (not the deadly type of acid, thankfully), phosphorus (helps maintain teeth pearly white), lutein and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes from the negative effects of aging) and selenium (the immune and thyroid system). Also in the case of chicken breast, there are a thousand ways to cook eggs and they are all good. Omelette drives me crazy but there are so many, then you will write them to me!


Salmon is not only high in protein like chicken and eggs but also another vital healthy element: omega-3. Omega-3s are essential for many things, first the  heart  and also the skin, hair and sight. If we couple salmon or seafood a couple of times a week to the above elements, this will make our diet really perfect!

Fresh milk

Drinking milk is good, they tell us from an early age because of calcium. It is possible, we know, to take calcium from other parts, such as supplements, soy or almonds. So why is it important to drink milk? Because milk is rich in calcium bioavailability, that is, it retains and excretes the right amount of calcium that your body needs. This is not to say that drinking milk is necessarily better than almond milk. Lactose intolerance  , for example, is a problem that afflicts a large part of the population and the amount of calcium can be taken through something else . But if we are not intolerant, drinking milk can only make us feel good!

Greek yogurt

If you are really thinking that you do not want to drink milk you could always think of yogurt but also in this case not to normal yogurt but to Greek one. Because Greek yogurt contains  twice  the protein of regular yogurt and has less sugar than regular yogurt. For those who have difficulty eating it due to the taste which is a bit strange, I recommend the Greek one from Danone which is a bit smoother and has a generally more pleasant taste.



We talked about salmon and now let’s talk about shellfish, specifically shrimp. Shrimp as well as other crustaceans but also seafood contain a lot of proteins and omega-3s. But in addition, the shrimp is rich in  zinc  which tends to improve the immune system, manage stress levels, reduce acne and improve the healing process of wounds and injuries.

Almond milk

If you are lactose intolerant, as mentioned before, this is the ideal solution: almond milk! And why almond milk among all the alternatives? Because that’s what tastes best. I could have told you about soy but recently soy has come under fire because it  raises the level of estrogen  and can cause breast cancer to develop. So really no.

Almond milk is tastier and healthier, no doubt about it.



Since we are on the subject with almond milk, let’s talk about almonds which are loaded, like other nuts, with healthy fats that are good for the  heart.

On top of that, almonds are also full of wonderful nutrients like biotin, phosphorus, vitamin E, and fiber. Have a very filling and healthy snack, and if you are as busy as I am, you will love the fact that there is no preparation for having to eat them.

So, keep some in a plastic bag or small plastic container they are good as a snack, topping or side dish and are full of nutrients!


It is certainly no coincidence that horses are given oats because oats  are good for you!

Decreased heart disease
Manages blood pressure
Lowers bad cholesterol
Improves digestion
Improves the immune system
Reduces the risk of diabetes

And then you can eat it with the yogurt from before!



No, I’m not talking about french fries! I’m talking about the nutrient-laden potatoes, such as vitamin B6  which bring tons of health benefits, including stimulating the brain and nervous system health, and are a decent source of vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber (among others. ). The fact is, most of us eat potatoes with a lot of bad things or even just fried. Try cooking half a potato with the skin in the oven with a little salt and then we’ll talk about it again.


Cabbage  is the most nutritious vegetable in the world! Going beyond all expectations in terms of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K1, and a number of healthy minerals, kale dominates when it comes to health benefits.


I love fruit and I love blueberries!  The fruit with the greatest antioxidant value ever. The health benefits of these intriguing substances are astonishing, from improving memory to lowering blood pressure to even, in some animal studies, possibly fighting cancer. In addition to blueberries, most fruits add value to your daily diet. Smoothies are amazing ways to eat more fruit. Combine Greek yogurt, milk, blueberries, strawberries, and half a banana in a blender and you have a delicious – and highly nutritious – smoothie for breakfast or mid-day when you need an energy boost.


Garlic has been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer, reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, reduce blood pressure, and help fight several types of cancer. What an amazing thing, right? And it’s so easy to add garlic to your diet.

Mash it and sprinkle it over the chicken or fish, or even eggs if you like (I don’t, but it’s worth a try). Try it on salads.


Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices, it may be that as a child I ate it in industrial quantities, on sweets or on bread with butter and sugar. Cinnamon can be helpful when trying to lose fat, helps control insulin, lowers cholesterol and blood sugars, and speeds up metabolism.

Dark chocolate

But how? All healthy foods and then chocolate in the end? Dark chocolate (high in cocoa, think 70%) has a higher amount of antioxidants than blueberries – a food known for its antioxidant content.

And you surely won’t know that dark chocolate also has large amounts of fiber, iron, and magnesium. Bet you didn’t expect that, huh? So in reality, as always, it is enough just not to overdo it to make any food healthy for our diet, even chocolate.

And you? Will you follow my advice? Comment me below and let’s talk about it!

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