Hair loss and nutrition, what you need to know

What does nutrition have to do with baldness? Is there any correlation between what we eat and the health of our hair?
There is a lot of data in this regard and to answer we also rely on those provided by the Helvetico Sanders Institute , specialists in the treatment of baldness for over 30 years.
Causes of baldness, are there foods that damage hair?
Hereditary genetic causes are known to be the main causes of hair loss, since androgenetic alopecia occurs as a result of the action of DHT, produced in greater quantities in some parts of the head, where the hair thins and then falls.
It is the different sensitivity of the follicle to hormones that affects the weakening of the hair, however there are also other causes that contribute to male and female baldness.
Among these there is the lifestyle and therefore also the incorrect diet, in fact not everyone knows that an unbalanced diet, made up of quick or low-nutritious meals, affects the hair making it more fragile and dull.
According to some research, fatty foods and dairy products could affect, which can cause an inflammatory state in the intestine and incorrect assimilation of vitamins and proteins.
However, there is not a single food to avoid, but rather a healthy diet and physical activity must be followed, because even the hair is affected by daily habits and the stress deriving from a hectic life such as that of many people today.
What does baldness in women depend on?
It is assumed that baldness is a problem that only affects men, while statistics say that, in Italy, about 4 million women are affected by hair loss, from mild to severe forms.
In this case, postpartum stress or menopause may also be among the factors, in addition to genetic predisposition.
In women, baldness manifests itself as a diffuse thinning all over the head and not concentrated in specific areas, as occurs in men.
How many people choose hair transplant
What is important to know is the identification of the causes of hair loss, carrying out a DNA analysis that allows you to exclude some factors and understand what really caused the thinning and the fall.
Only then will it be possible to decide whether you can opt for a treatment based on natural substances or a hair transplant. This is an increasingly common choice, due to the excellent results that can be achieved and the longed-for possibility of having thick hair to caress again.
If there is one thing that is important for all people who suffer from baldness, it is self-esteem and the relationship with others, in fact 37% of those who resort to a transplant are driven by wanting to improve their social life and sentimental; 34.7% do it to feel safer in a professional environment.
This explains the increase in hair transplants carried out in the world (+ 16% in one year) and the growth of Italians who have made this choice (100,000 according to the most recent data).
What causes hair loss is not always easily identifiable, so it is advisable to carefully inquire and rely on those who have been dealing with baldness for many years and provide customized solutions, because it is true that every person is different and therefore there is none. a standard that is the same for everyone.
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