Guidelines for healthy eating in 2018

Guidelines for healthy eating in 2018

Do you have any weight problems at the beginning of this 2018 ?

It is good to think of some guidelines for healthy eating this year, with great attention to learning more and more about food and combinations, which sometimes is just what we care most about.

Healthy eating is not a utopia, especially and above all if we do not go home for lunch and feel almost obliged to eat what we get (because we would not have time to cook something that is good for us).

Very wrong.

Each of us should take care of himself, everyone should know what to eat and when and how much to eat without bingeing on things that he could do without even and only out of ignorance towards food.

Let’s see together what can be the right diet for us and that can be good for us and our children, in short, a sort of vademecum of healthy foods that do no harm, at all.

Healthy nutrition: what to eat

Nutrition is not something to be taken lightly, but, above all, it is nourishment for our body and our mind. And this is precisely the reason why it is important to learn what to eat and how much and when to eat during the same day.

First let’s start with breakfast (and don’t tell me you can’t have it because you don’t have time. Sacrifice ten minutes of sleep to eat something) and it’s the most important meal of the day.

You can choose from a variety of foods to eat, so I recommend that you think about it and vary your breakfast several times during the week:

  • 200 grams of skimmed milk (also not cow’s milk but soy, rice, kefir)
  • a low-fat yogurt
  • 2 fruits to taste (no banana, no persimmon, no figs, no grapes)
  • a piece of fruit tart
  • a brioche
  • A croissant

In the middle of the morning we move on to the snack:

  • a low-fat yogurt
  • a fruit
  • 50 grams of cheese such as parmesan or parmesan
  • 40 grams of dried fruit (also mixed)

For lunch we can choose between first and second courses (for a salad it doesn’t take an hour and to work we can bring a sandwich of about 70 grams with oil-free tuna, 100 grams of ham, mozzarella and tomato, lettuce and ricotta. dairy products always about 200 grams.):

  • 80 grams of pasta (wholemeal would be better) with:

– Zucchini cooked in a pan with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil

-Fresh or peeled tomato always seasoned with a teaspoon of oil

– Broccoli or Swiss chard

– beans or lentils, peas or chickpeas (less than 50 grams per dish)

  • lettuce, carrots and fennel with chicken or turkey breast or a grilled pork rib
  • baked tomatoes with about 200 grams of tuna
  • cod, sole, salmon, swordfish, sea bream, baked or grilled sea bass accompanied by raw or cooked vegetables
  • aubergines, boiled potatoes, courgettes and peppers cooked on the grill and seasoned with oil and salt
  • if you are vegan or vegetarian tofu and seitan instead of meat and fish with some raw or cooked vegetable side dish
  • seasonal vegetable soup
  • cream with pumpkin
  • cream of peas
  • Velvety Mushroom

All the main courses, in this healthy and dissociated diet, can be accompanied by about 70 grams of bread, possibly wholemeal.

During the afternoon it is always better to munch on something:

  • light yogurt
  • a fruit
  • dried fruit
  • a piece of cheese
  • some fruit tart

For dinner it is worth the talk of lunch trying not to overdo the portions and favoring proteins instead of carbohydrates.

In fact, I recommend that you eat second courses or soups in the evening as they keep our body more satiated and less swollen than when eating pasta.

Does it really seem so unthinkable to make this type of healthy diet enter your life? I don’t think, on the contrary, it will perhaps be a pleasure to take care of oneself and others after years of precarious and fast food nutrition.

Enough of packaged sandwiches, frozen products, industrial ones, chemically refined ones that not only make you fat but make us feel bad, with tired organs or too polluted by poor or too fat products.

And, above all, do not season these foods in an exaggerated way, do not eat too seasoned, it is useless if not to gain weight.

Do not drink sugary or carbonated drinks . Fruit juices are not at all right for our health, they are very sugary and very industrial products, so juices are also bad.

As well as the sodas and the like that you usually use to accompany meals.

Or alcoholic beverages, which certainly cannot be part of a healthy diet. I am not saying that one should become a teetotaler all of a sudden but it is good to drink a glass of beer a week or a glass of wine every now and then. No to spirits that are very bad, yes to transgression every now and then if it makes us happier.

We must not become robots, frustration would make every effort very difficult, so every now and then treat yourself to a dessert or a nice glass of red wine but then the next day think about purifying yourself by eating a little less, trying to be even more attentive to what we want and learning to eat healthy, which is the first real goal of this article.

Is healthy nutrition possible in 2018?

This is certainly possible, thanks also to all the publications that help people who less know to learn to be more informed about food and how to combine food in a day, a week, a month, a year.

We must not give up eating, that is not the point that helps a person to become much more aware of their body, to improve their body and also their nervous system, their concentration, eliminate a little tiredness for a while. of energy.

This is what food does to our body, a real fuel that makes us live great.

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